Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/847

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72d CONGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 98. FEBRUARY 17, 1933 .

823 Registers : For salaries and commissions of registers of district ~ •" land offices, $68,750 . Contingent expenses of land offices : For clerk hire, rent, and Contingent expenses . ot her incid ental exp enses of the distr ict land offices, includin g the expenses of depositing public money ; traveling expenses of clerks detailed to examine the books and management of district land off ices and to assi st in the operat ion of said offi ces, and for tra veling expenses of cler ks transferred in the interest o f the public ser vice from one district land office to another, $150,000 : Provided, That no

authorize. expenses chargeable to the Government shall be incurred by registers tins of expenses re- in the conduct of local land offices except upon previous specific authori zation by th e Comm ission er of the Gen eral L and Of fice . Dep redations on publi c timber, protecti ng public lands, a nd settle - ment of claims for swamp land and swamp-land indemnity : For lands, e tc . protecting .timber on the public lands, and for the more efficient exe- cution of the law and rules relating to the cutting thereof


public lands from illegal and fraudulent entry or appropriation, adjusting claims for swamp lands and indemnity for swamp lands

swa mp lands, In. and traveling expenses of agents and others employed hereunder, demo ty. $400,000 , includi ng not ex ceeding $ 30,000 f or the pu rchase, e xchange, operation, and maintenance of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles and moto r boats f or the us e of age nts and o thers emp loyed in the field service and including $60,000 for prevention and fighting of Fighting forest fires . forest and other fires on the public lands, to be available for this and no other purpose, and to be expended under the direction of the commissioner. Opening Indian reservations (reimbursable)

For expenses per-

taming to the o pening to entry an d settlem ent of su ch Indian reserva- tion lands as may be opened during the fiscal year 1934, $300 : Pro- Proviso. vi ded, That the expenses pertaining to the opening of each of said Reimbursement. reservations and paid for out of this appropriation shall be reim- bursed to the United States from the money received from the sale of the lands embraced in said reservations, respectively . BUREAU OF IND IAN AF FA IRS

reauaias ntfairs Hs- SALARIES For the Commissio ner of In dian Affa irs and other per sonal ser vices o~a onneir' and in the District of Columbia, $356,000 . G ENER AL E% PENS FI9

General expenses. For transportation and incidental expenses of officers and clerks of 7Yansportation, etc . the Bureau of Indian Affairs when traveling on official duty ; for tele- graph and telephone toll messages on business pertaining to the Indian Service sent and received by the Bureau of Indian Affairs at Washington, and for other necessary expenses of the Indian Service for which no other appropriation is available, $20,000 . For e xpense s nece ssary to the purch ase of goods and su pplies for s p

transpor- the Indian S ervice,-i ncluding inspectio n, pay of necessar y employe es, t a t t o o ,, e t c ' and all other expenses connected 'therewith, including advertising, storage, and transportation of Indian goods and supplies, $650,000 : Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used in pay-

dins on Bay ment for any services except bill therefor is rendered within one year menia° from the time the service is performed .

Fi eld re pre ses ta- For salaries traveling and incidental expenses of field represen- trees u tat ives of t he commis sioner of Indian A ffairs, $ 19,000 .