Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/854

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72d CONGRESS . LESS. U. CH. 98. FEBRUARY 17,1933 . Ynma Reservation, For reclamation and maintenance charges on Indian lands within ar il


Reclama t tion, etc ., the Yuma Reservation, California, and on ten acres within each of charges,

the eleven Yuma homestead entries in Arizona under the Yuma reclamation project, $19,500, reimbursable . Fort Hau project, For improvements, maintenance, and operation of the Fort Hall Idaho . Operation , etc .

irrigation system, Idaho, $27,200 . For i mprov ement s to the Fort Hall irri gatio n pro ject , Ida ho, Damage c laims . inclu ding p ayment of da mage c laims and pur chase of rig hts of way, Vol.40,p. lO61 . as authorized by and in accordance with the provisions of the Act Balance available, of February 4, 1931 (46 Stat ., p . 1061), the unexpended balance of An te, pp loo .

the appropriation for this purpose contained in the Interior Depart- ment Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1933 is continued avail- Prov;aose able until June 30, 1934 : Provided That no part of this appropria- Repsyment. Vol .48,p.1052.

tion shall be ava ilable for e xpen i ture un til re paymen t cont racts shall ha ve been e ntered in to in acc ordance with the provision s of the MicbaudD ivisionex- Act of February 4, 1931 : Provided further, That no part of this tension, excluded,

appropriation shall be available for the extension of canals or ditches in con nectio n with the M ichaud Divis ion . xcotenai Indians, For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the Act approved Idaho . Drainage, etc .

May 29, 1928 (45 Stat ., p . 938), to provide reclamation of Kootenai Vol. 45, p. sag; VOL Indian allotments in Idaho within the exterior boundaries of drain- 48, p .1127 . age districts that may be benefited by drainage works of such dis- tricts, the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $114,000 con- Fundavai lable.

tamed in the Act of March 4 > 1929 (45 Stat . > p ° 1574), and continued Voi. 45, p. 1574 . Ante, p . loi.

available until June 30, 1933, is hereby continued available until June 30, 1934. Fo rt ervation Bel lmap flea- For maintenance and operation, repairs, purchase of stored waters, , Mont. Maintenance, etc. and continuation of construction o the irrigation systems on the Fort B elknap Reser vation , in M ontana , $21,2 00, re imburs able . troortivl Pe ck R~ rva Fo r main tenanc e and operat ion of the L ittle P orcupi ne Div ision, Maintenance, eto., of the Bi g Porc upine Divisi on, an d not exceedi ng fou r thou sand a cres projects°

under the West Side Canal of the Poplar River Division, Fort Peek project, Montana, $5,650, reimbursable . Flat head Res erve ° For operation and maintenance of the irrigation systems on the tion Mon t. Ivi'aintenance, etc . Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana, $12,000 ; for completing nat ea pr t9 oraeslg° Pablo Reservoir enlargement, $35,000, to be immediately available ; enlargement and improvement of Tabor feed canal, $22,000 ; con- struction of Alder Creek and Lost Creek feed canals, $12,000 ; pur- chase of water rights, Mission Creek, $6,200 ; continuing construction of power distributing system, $50,000 ; lateral systems betterment, $20,000 ; miscellaneous engineering, surveys, and examinations, orison.

$5,000 ; in all, not to exceed $152,000, reimbursable : Provided, That lance for reservo[r sites, etc., continued the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $55,000 contained aoailable,

in the Interi or Dep artmen t Appr opriat ion Act , fisc al yea r 1932 46 Vol.48,p.1127. St e t ., p . 1127), for purchase of sites for reser voirs, construct ion head- quarters and administrative uses, is hereby made available for the operation a nd main- same p urp ose until June 30, 1934 : Provided f uurtlter, That (with the tenance charges. Vol. 45, p. zlz. consent o the irri gation di stricts o n the Fla thead irr igation p roject which have exec uted repa yment con tract s wit h the Uni ted S tates as required by law) the Secretary of the Interior may modify the terms of such contracts by requiring the operation and maintenance charges (not heretofore carried into construction costs and dealt with in the Act of March 7, 1928 (45 Stat ., pp . 212-213)) to be paid over the same period of years an d in like manne^ a s the con struction costs are to be paid under the terms of the public notice issued by such Payment of first in . Secretary on November 1, 1930, as amended April 20, 1931 : Provided stailment.

further, That the first installment of such operation and mainte- nance charges shall be due and payable on the same date as the first .