Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/860

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 98. FEBRUARY 17, 1933 . from industrial boarding schools in Alaska ; erection, purchase, repair, and rental of school buildings, including purchase of neces- sary lands ; textbooks and industrial apparatus ; pay and necessary traveling expenses of superintendents, teachers, physicians, and other employees ; repair, equipment) maintenance, and operation of vessels ; and all other necessary miscellaneous expenses which are not included under the above special heads, including $300,000 for Services in fhe nix- salaries in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, $17,500 for trlet . Speciacallotmentss traveling expenses, $179,500 for equipment, supplies, fuel, and light, $23,000 for repairs of buildings, $15,000 for purchase or erection of buildings, $62,000 for freight and operation and repair of vessels, $1,000 for re ntals, and $ 2,000 for te lephone and t elegra ph ; to ta l, Proaisos .

$600,000, to be im mediately availabl e : P rovi ded, That not t o exce ed snore .Interchangeable 10 per centum of the amounts appropriated for the various items in this parag raph s hall b e avai lable interch angeab ly for expen di- tures on the objects included in this paragraph, but not more than 10 per centum shall be added to any one item of appropriation except in cases of extraordinary emergency and then only upon the written} Services in the Die- order of the Secretary of the Interior : Provided further, That of t`iot.

said sum not exceeding $5,800 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. Conservation of health . CONSERVATION OF HEALTH Expenses designated . For conservation of health among Indians including equipment materials, and supplies ; repairs and improvements to buildings ancI plants ; compensation and traveling expenses of officers and employ- ees and renting of quarters for them when necessary ; transportation of patients and attendants to and from hospitals and sanatoria ; returning to their former homes and interring the remains of deceased patients ; and not exceeding $1,000 for printing and bind- Suppressing Ira- ing cir culars and p amphle ts for use i n preve nting and su ppress ing ehAilotments for specs- trachoma and other contagious and infectious diseases, $2 996,200, fled hospitals and sans- to - includi ng not to ex ceed t he sum of $2 ,251,61 00 for the f oll owing- named hospitals and sanatoria : Arizona . Arizona : Indian Oasis Hospital, $22,100 ; Sayenta Sanatorium, $43,200 ; Fort Defiance Sanatorium and Southern Navajo General Hospital, $102,100 ; Phoenix Sanatorium, $71,200 ; Pima Hospital, $26,000 ; Truxton Canyon Hospital, $11,250 ; Western Navajo Hos- pital, $33,950 ; Chin Lee Hospital, $10,450 ; Fort Apache Hospital, 26,000 ; Havasupai Hospital, $4,750 ; Hopi Hospital, $38,650 ; Leupp Hospital, $24,950 ; San Carlos Hospital, $18,325 ; Tohatchi Hospital, $11,450 ; Colorado River Hospital, $22,150 ; San Xavier Sanatorium, $36,000 ; Phoenix Hospital, $29,050 ; Hopi Navajo Sanatorium, $28,750 ; °allfornia . California : Hoopa Valley Hospital, $20,900 ; Soboba Hospital, $19,150 ; Fort Bidwell Hospital, $14,350 ; Fort Yuma Hospital, $13,350 ; Colorado .

Colorado : Ute Mountain Hospital, $11,650 ; Edward T . Taylor Hospital, $24,400 ; Idaho .

Idaho : Fort Lapwai Sanatorium, $81,000 ; Fort Hall Hospitals, $14,300 ; Io wa Iowa : Sac and Fox Sanatorium, $66,650 ; annex for general patients, $6,000 ; in all, $72,650 ; Minnesota .

Minnesota : Pipestone Hospital, $21,350 ; Mississippi .

Mississippi : Choctaw Hospital, $26,000 ; Montana . Monta na : Bla ckfee t Ho spita l, $2 3,90 0 ; Fort Peck Hospital, $21,350 ; Crow Agency Hospital, $23,300 ; Fort Belknap Hospital, $28,900 ; Tongue River Hospital, $28,900 ;