Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/862

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 98. FEBRUARY 17, 193 . of said Indians arising under section 7 of the Act of January 14, 1889 (25 Stat ., p. 645) . Health Work . There shall be available for health work among the several tribes of Indians not exceeding $175,000 of the tribal trust funds author- ized elsewhere in this Act for support of Indians and administration Promo °

of In dian

Provided, That not more than $7,500 of such NeW co nstruc tion . amount may prope rty : bexe nded for ew cons tru ctio n in con nect ion wit h health activities at any one place . Medic al relief

Medical relief in Alaska : To enable the Secretary of the Interior Alaska . in his discretion, and under his ' direction through the Bureau ot~ Indian Affairs, with the advice and cooperation of the Public Health Service, to provide for the medical and sanitary relief of the Eskimos, Aleuts, Indians, and other natives of Alaska ; erection, purchase, repair, rental, and equipment of hospital buildings ; books and surgical apparatus ; pay and necessary traveling expenses of physicians, nurses, and other employees, and all other necessary miscellaneous expenses which are not included under the above special heads, $281,600, to be available immediately . Support and admin- istration . GENERAL SUPPORT AND ADMINISTRATION Expenses, for sundry For general support of Indians and administration of Indian prop- sg age nci es an d rese rva- ert includins pay of employees, $1 > 590,900 : Provided That no part dons .

, Prostso . Special commission- of the money appropriated in this Act shall be used for the payment er's salary, etc .

of the sa lary or e xpenses o f a speci al commis sioner to negotiat e with Indians . Fulfill ing treaties, Fulfilling treaties with Indians : For the purpose of discharging etc '

obligations of the United States under treaties and agreements with ye

various tribes and bands of Indians as follows and ahoues, Mnt5 Northern Cheyennes and Arapahoes, Montana article 7, treaty of volL la, p. ass.

May 10, 1868 and agreement of February 28, 1877), $73,00 ; voii1, p731; vol. Pa wnees , Ok lahom a (ar ticle s 3 and 4, treaty of September 24, 27, p ° 644 .

1857, and article 3, agreement of November 23, 1892), $50,000 ; Sio ux. p. 835; vol. Sioux of different tribes, including Santee Sioux of Nebraska, 19, p ° °

North Dakota, and South Dakota (articles 8 and 13, treaty of April 29, 18 68, 15 Stat., p . 635, and Act of February 28, 1877, 19 Stat., p. 254), $428,000 ; Total .

In all , for said treat y stipulations, not to exceed $5 51 ,0 0 0 . at GspecHelpagencies, For general support of Indians and administration of Indian horn tribal funds, property under the jurisdic tion of t he follow ing agenc ies, to b e paid from the funds held by the United States in trust for the respective tribes, in not t o .exceed t he follow ing sums, respecti vely : Arizo na Arizona : Colorado River, $3,500 ; Fort Apache, $18,900 ; Leupp, $2,000 ; Paiute, $7,500 ; San Carlas, $48,700 ; Truxton Canyon, $9,400 ; in all, $90,000 ; California .

California : Fort Yuma, $4,000 ; Mission, $3,000 ; Round Valley, .

$1,000 ; in all, $8,000 ; Colorado Colorado : Consolidated Ute (Southern Ute, $15,000 ; Ute Moun- tain, $15,000) ; in all, $30,000 ; Idaho .

Idaho : Fort Hall, $9,500 ; Fort Lapwai, $4,800 ; in all, $14,300 ; Iowa.

Iowa : Sac and Fox, $2,000 ; Minnesota .

Minnesota : Red Lake, $43,500 ; Montana,

Montana : . Blackfeet, $7,500 ; Flathead, $19,400 ; Ton gue Rive r, Nebraska .

$12,740 ; Rocky Boy, $1,000 ; in all, $40,640 ; Nebraska : O maha, $1,000 ; Travel expenses . For traveling and other necessary expenses of a delegation of Omaha Indians to and from Washington, District of Columbia, on business relating to the af fairs of said Indi ans, $650 , to be imm e-