Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/879

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . U. CH. 98. FE BRU ARY 17, 1933 .

855 TERRITORY OF HAWAII Haw aii . Sa laries o f the go vernor an d of the secreta ry $14,3 20 .

ta•Y ve mor and secre- F or contingent expenses t to be expended by the governor for contingent expenses. stationery, postage, and incidentals, $1, 000 ; priv ate secr etary to the governor ; temporary clerk hire, $500 ; for traveling expenses of the governor while absent from the capital on official business, $1,500

in all, $5,850. TEMP ORARY GOVE RNMEN T FOR THE VIRG IN IS LANDS virgin Isl an ds . For salaries of the governor, judge of the district court, and O VO1~39 p .i13L e,etc, empl oyee s in cide nt to the execution of the Act of M arch 3, 1917 u . s. p,lea. (U. S. C., title 48, sec . 1391), traveling expenses of officers and employees while absent from place of duty on official business, necessary janitor service, care of Fede ral grou nds, rep air and preservation of Federal buildings and furniture, purchase of equip- ment, stationery, lights, water, and other necessary miscellaneous M iscellaneous ea- expenses, including not to exceed $4,000 for purchase, including ~'• ' exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and not to exceed $4,000 for personal services, household equipment and furnishings, fuel, ice, and elec- tricity necessary in the operation of Government House at Saint Thomas and Government House at Saint Croix ; $134,750. For salaries and expenses of the agricultural experiment station Agricultural aspect . and the vocational school in the Virgin Islands, including technical meet stations . personnel, clerks, and other persons ; scientific investigations of plants and plant industries and diseases of animals ; demonstrations in practical farming ; official traveling expenses ; fixtures, apparatus, and supplies ; clearing and fencing of land ; and other necessary expenses, including not to exceed $2,000 for purchase, including exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passen ger-carr ying veh icles, $ 25,000 . For defraying the deficits in the treasuries of the municipal goD ficitsotniuntctpal governments because of the excess of current expenses over current revenues for the fiscal year 1934, municipality of Saint Thomas and Sai nt Jo hn, $9 8,500 , and muni cipali ty of Sain t Croi x, $9 8,500


all, $197,000 : Provided, Th at the amount herein appropriated for Proviso,. eac h mun icipal gove rnmen t sha ll be expen ded o nly if an e quiva lent Divisionotdeleitn amount is raised by municipal revenues and applied to the operating costs of the respective government, except that for the fiscal year 1934 the contribution to either municipal government shall not be less than $90,000 : P rov ided f urM er, That sh ould the rev enue s of Excess revenues for the municipality of Saint Thomas and Saint John, during the fiscal meets ipal improve- year 1934, exceed $98,500, and/or the revenues of the municipality of Saint Croix exceed $98,500, su ch excess revenues may be expended for municipal improvements and operating costs of the municipalities under such rules and regulations as the President ma y pre scribe . For such projects for the furt her deve lopm ent of a gri cult ure Further deveiop° and industry, and for promoting the general welfare of the islands meet projects. as may be approved by the President, including the acquisition by Acquisition of land . purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, of land and the construction of buildings for use in administering the affairs of the islands

the purchase of land for sale as hom este ads to c itiz ens of the Virgin Islands ; and the making of loans for the construction of roans for building buildings, for the purchase of farming implements and equipment, construction. and for other expenses incident to the cultivation of land purchased for resale as homesteads, $15,000, and in addition thereto the unex-