Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/88

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 75, 76. MARCH 10, 11, 1932 . Volumes oesf ascls .etc . There shall be three thousand sets of such edition, two thousand of which shall be sold by the Superintendent of Documents (1) ata cost of $50 per set for sets sold to such public libraries, and institu- tions and societies of learning, as shall order the same not later than others . July 1, 1932, and (2) the remainder of the two thousand sets, at a cost e qual (to gether w ith the receipts from th e sets s old to s uch libraries, institutions, and societies) to the total cost under this section of preparing the manuscript and printing and binding the entire Distributiontodesig- edition. The commission shall upon the publication of each volume hated officials, etc .

7 of the remaining one thousand sets, distribute copies of each such o volume as follows : Two each to the President , the li brary of the Senate, and the library of the House of Representatives ; twenty-five to the Library of Con ress ; one to each m ember of the Cabinet ; ne each to the Vice Presid ent a nd the Speaker of the House of Represe ntatives ; one to each Se nator, R epresenta tive in Congress , Delegate, and Resident Commissioner ; one each to the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives ; and one to each member and officer of the commission . Every such recipient eligible to receive any volume or volumes of such writings at any time prior to the issue of the final volume (but not later than Decem- ber 31, 1935), shall be entitled to receive a complete set of such Foreign exchange writings. The remaining sets, if any, shall be distributed as the 8e ~'

commission directs, including such number of sets as may be neces- No "usua l nu mber ." sary for foreign exchange . The usual number for congressional distribution and for depository libraries shall not be printed." Vol. 46, p. 72 .

SEC . 2 . Section 1 of such Act of February 21, 1930, is further amended by adding at the end thereof the following new- paragraph vately printed Distribution of volume . e " The one thousand extra copies (heretofore privately printed) of the first v olume of such wr itings shall be considered to ha ve been authorized by the commission and the commission may accept a donation of su ch extra copies for distribution for reviews, ad vertis- ing, and for such other promotional purposes as it may deem advis- able . If the commission shall direct the Superintendent of Docu- ments to sell any such extra copies of the first volume, he shall offer the same for sale at a cost per copy equal to the cost per copy of the first volume as computed-under clause _(2) of the third sentence of this section . Such extr a copies shall b e the only copie s of any volume of the set distributed or sold separately ." Approved, March 10, 1932 . [CHAPTER 76.] AN ACT March 11, 1932. [s,2985 .1 Granting the consent of Congress to the Connecticut River State Bridge Com- 1PUblic, No . 56.1 mission, a statutory commissio n of the State of Co nnecticut created and existing under the provisions of special act numbered 496 of the General Assembl y of the Sta te of Connec ticut, 1931 s ession, to c onstruct, maintai n, and o perate a bri dge across t he Connecticu t River . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Connecticut River. United States o f Ameri ca in Co ngress a ssembled , T h at the consent Connecticut may bridge at Hartford. of Congress is hereby granted to the Connecticut River State Bridge Commis sion, a st atutor y com missio n of the S tate of Con necti cut created and exis ting under the p rovisions of spe cial act numbered 496 of the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, 1931 session, to construct, maintain, and operate a fr ee highway bridge and appr oach es ther eto acr oss the Con nect icut Ri ver, at a p oint su itab le to the interests of navigation, between Hartford and East Hartford,