Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/91

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72d CONGRES S . SESS. I. CHS. 85, 86. MARCH 17, 18, 1932 . [CHAPTER 85 .] AN ACT To clarify the application of the contract labor provisions of the immigration l aw s to in strum ental musi cians . Be it enacted by the Senate and house of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the contract labor provisions of the immigration laws shall be applicable to alien Instrumental musicians, whether coming for permanent residence or for a temporary period . SEC . 2. No alien instrumental musician shall, as such, be considered an " artist " ora " professional actor " wi thin the mea ning of the fifth proviso of section 3 of the Immigration Act of 1917 (U . S . C., title 8, sec . 136(h), second proviso) unless- (1) h e is of dis tingu ished meri t and abili ty as an in strum ental musician or is a member of a musical organization of distinguished merit ana is applying for admission as such; and (2) his professional engagements ( or, if the exemption is claimed on account of membership in an organization, the profes- sional engagements of such organization) within the United States are of a character requiring superior talent . SEC. 3 . In the case of an alien instrumental musician coming for a temporary period who is exempted from the contract labor pro- visions of the immigration laws by the fifth proviso of section 3 of the Immigration Act of 1917 as limited by section 2 of this Act, his admission to the United States shall be under such conditions as may be by regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Labor (including ere deemed necessary the gi ving of bond with suffi- cient surety) to insure that at the termination of his contract he will depart from the United States . Approved, March 17, 1932 . [CH AP TER 86 .] To authorize the construction of a dam across Des Lacs Lake, North Dakota . 67 March 17, 1932 .

[H. R . 8235 .] [Public, No . 61.1 Immi gration Act of 1917. Application of c on- tract labor provisions to ins trum enta l mu si- cians. "Artist,"

"profes- sion al actor," co n- strued . Vol.39,p. 878 . U.S.C.,p.131. Regulations to insure depa rture of admitte d musicians to be pre- scribed . Bond . AN ACT March 18, 1932 . [Ir . R. 5saa.1 (P ubl ic, No. 62.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress is hereby granted to the Des Lacs Development Associa- tion, i ts succe ssors and assigns, to con struct, maintain, repair, and improve a dam across the Des Lacs Lake, North Dakota : Provided, That work shall not be commenced until the plans therefor have been submitted to and approved by the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, and by the Secretary of War : Provided further, Th at in approving the plans for said dam such conditions and stipulations may be imposed as the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War may deem necessary to protect the present and future interests of the United States : And provided further That this Act shall not Development of wa- ter power not author - be construed to authorize the use of such dam to develop water power ized . or generate hydroelectric energy . SEc . 2 . The authority granted by this Act shall cease and be null stTimeeDlimit for con . and void unless the actual construction of the dam hereby authorized is commenced within one year and completed within three years from the date of approval of this Act . SE C. 3 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Amendment. expressly reserved . A ppro ved, March 18, 1932 . Des Lacs Lake, N. Dak . Construction of dam across, authorized . provisos . Approval of plans . Conditions.