Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/995

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. H. CH. 127. FEBRUARY 27, 1933 .

971 1 . Chairs, tables, desks, and books, to the value of $200 belonging Exemptions . to the judgment debtor ; 2 . Household furniture and utensils necessary for housekeeping and used for that purpose by the debtor, such as the debtor may select, of a value not exceeding $250 ; and all wearing apparel ; 3 . Too ls and imple ments necess arily used by him i n his trade or empl oyment ; 4 . Two domestic animals s uch as th e debtor may selec t, not ex ceed- ing $100 in value, and necessarily used by him in his ordinary occupat ion ; 5. The professional libraries of lawyers, judges, clergymen, doc- tors, school teachers, and music teachers, not exceeding $250 in value ; 6. One fishing boat and net, not exceeding the total value of $200, the property of any fisherman, by the lawful use of which he earns his livelihood ; 7. The wages and earnings of all seamen and seagoing fishermen, not exceeding $300, regardless of where or when earned, and in addi- tion to all other exemptions otherwise provided by any law ; 8 . The earnings of the judgment debtor for his personal services rendered at any time within thirty days next precedinthe levy of execution or attac hment, wh en it app ears by t he debtor 's affida vit or otherwise, that such earnings are necessary for the use of his family, residing in the Canal Zone, supported in whole or in part by his labor ; but where debts are incurred by any such person, or his wife or family for the common necessaries of life, or have been incurred at a time when the debtor had no family residing in the Canal Zone, support ed in whole or in j,art by his labor, the o ne-hal f of s uch earnings above mentioned is nevertheless subject to execution, gar- nishment, or attachment to satisfy debts so incurred ; 9 . All the naut ical inst ruments a nd weari ng appare l of any master, officer, or seaman of any steamer or other vessel ; 10. All arms, uniforms, and accouterments required by law to be kept by any person, and also one gun, to be selected by the debtor ; 1 1 . Life insuranc e benefit s . All moneys, benefits, privileges, or immunities accruing or in any manner growing aut of any life insurance, if the annual premiums paid do not exceed $500, and if they exceed that sum a like exemption shall exist which shall bear the same proportion to the moneys, benefits, privileges, and immu- nities so accruing or growing out of such insurance that said $500 bears t o the whole annual premi ums pa id ; 12. Pensions. All money received by any person, a resident of the Canal Zone, as a pension from the United States Government, whether the same shall be in the actual possession of such pensioner or depos ited, loa ned, or i nvested b y him . NOT EXEMPT FROM JUDGMENT FOR PRICE .-No article, however, or Not exempt . from species of property mentioned in this section is exempt from Judgmen t for p rice . execut ion is sued u pon a judgme nt rec overed for it s pric e, or upon a judgment of foreclosure of a mortgage or other lien thereon . SE e. 359. WRIT, How ExacuTm .-The marshal must execute the Howwrit exeeutee . writ against the' property of the judgment debtor, by levying on a sufficient amount of property, if there be sufficient ; collecting or sellin g the things in ac tion, and se lling t he oth er pro perty, and paying to the plaintiff or his attorney so much of the proceeds as will satisfy the judgment . Any excess in the proceeds over the judgment and aecruing costs must be returned to the judgment debtor, unless otherwise directed by the judgment or order of the court . Wh en there is mo re pro perty of the judgm ent deb tor th an is sufficient to satisfy the judgment and accruing costs within the view of the marshal, he must levy only on such part of the property as the