Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1027

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DOUBLE INCOME TAX-SHIPPING PROFITS-NORWAY. 2617 Arrangement between the United States oj Amerw and Norway pro- !'<ovt'ml>t'r 26, 1924......: -. --: J' l'.-I} dobie' t h" ,I;t E'.fI ted b January 23 Marcb 2t vw,wg re'1.eJ rom u ",ncome ax on s "'ppwg proJ. s.

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Y 1925.' • exchange oj notes, signed Not'ember 26, 1924-, January 23, 1925. and March 24-, 1925. The Norwegian Minister (Bryn) to the Secretary oj State (Hughes) NORWEGIAN LEGATION, WASHINGTON, Not'ember 26, 1924- . SIR: By the note which I had the honor to address to the Acting Sec- or?s~b~~nco~~ tax retary of State on February 28, 1922, and Your Excellency's note . Re~p=Jk\:mPd of November 14, 1922, it was established that reciprocal exemption TarmstroBot (talk)a;. "an of income and excess and war profits taxes existed for a non-resident Norwegian or Norwegian corporation in the United States, and for a non-resident American or American corporation in Norway, with regard to income consisting exclusively of earnings derived from the operation of ships under their respective flags; see N or- wegian Taxation Laws of August 18, 1911, and the United States Revenue Act of 1921, section 213{b) (8). By new taxation laws enacted in Norway on Au~st 11, 1924, an amendment has been made to the exemption proVlsions of the laws of August 18, 1911. I hereby enclose a copy of the new laws and a translation into English of the amended provisions according to which persons, companies and corporations belonging in a foreign country are exempt from taxes on property in and income from ship[sl engaged in traffic on a NorwegIan port or between Nor- wegian ports and from taxes from income arising from the sale of tickets for the transportation of persons out of the kingdom; pro- vided that Norwegian persons, companies and corporations are ex- empt in the country in question from taxes on corresponding activities. By the new law provisions, the reciprocal exemption of income and excess and war profits taxes in Norway and the United States with regard to income derived from the operation of ships under their respective flags is reaffirmed. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. HIS EXCELLENCY HONORABLE CHARLES E. HUGHES, Secretary oj 'State, etc. etc. etc. [Enclosure} H BRYN Translation of following provisions of the Norwegian Laws of August 11, 1924, amending Article 15 in fine of the Law of Taxation for the Country Communities, and Article 10 in fine of the Law of Taxation for the Cities of August 18, 1911, which two Law Provisions are identical: "Persons, companies and corporations belonging in a foreign coun- try are exempt from taxes on property in and income from ship[s]