Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1090

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2680 Recognition tJnlt«l8tates. LOAD-LINE CERTIFICATES-JAPAN. The American Ambassador (Forbes) to the Japanese l\1~~nister for Foreign Affairs (Shidehara) No. 59. EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TOKYO, J.lfarch 30, 1931. EXCELLENCY: . by In reply to Your Excellency's not.e No. 30, dated :March 19, 1931, informing me that the Japanese Government will continue to recog- nize certificates of load-line issued by the American Bureau of Shipping to American vessels, pending the coming into force of the International Ship Load-line Convention signed at London on July 5, 1930z I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the United States IS recognizing the load-line marks approved by the Japanese Government. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Exeellellcy the assurances of my highest consideration. 'Y. CAMERON FORBES. His EXCELLENCY BARON KIJURO SHIDEHARA, etc., His Imperial Japanese Majesty's Minister for Foreign Affairs. etc., etc. The American Ambassador (Forbes) to the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Shidehara) No. 136 EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TOKYO, August 25,1931. EXCELLENCY: With reference to my Note No. 59, of March 30, 1931, informing Your Excellency that the Government of the United States will recognize as valid load-line certificates duly issued by the competent Japanese authorities or by officially designated shipping associations, and their corresponding marks, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I have received a communication from my Govern- ment confirming the assurances already given in my Note No. 59, of March 30, 1931. . I am further directed to inform Your Excellency that my 'Govern- ment has accepted the proposal of the Japanese Government to continue the present arrangement whereby load-lines of Americtlll vessels assigned by the American Bureau of Shipping are accepted by Japanese authorities as compl~ing with their load-line require- ments. I am also instructed to. mform Your Excellency that my Government has authorized in particular Ctlses the marking of load- lines an<l the issuance of certificates therefor, on American vessels, by the American Committee of Lloyds' Register of Shipping and by the American representatives of the Bureau Veritas, which my Government would desire to have the Japanese authorities recognize. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. His EXCELLENCY BARON KIJURO SHIDEHARA, His Imperial Japanese Majestll's M~nister for Foreign AtJalrs, etc., etc., ,V. CAMERON FORBES etc.