Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1163

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INDEX. . Xl Maritime Neutrality, Pan American con- Page vention on_________ __ ______ __ _____ 1989 Marrs, Jack, payment to, for property losses____________________________ 1721 Marshall, A. L., refund to, for forfeited appearance bond__________________ 1781 Martin, Audra Jane, added to final roll of Indians, Flathead Indian Reserva- tion, Mont _______________________ 1754 Martin, Frank, paymcnt to. for personal injuries_ ____________ __ ___________ 1712 Maryland, sale of certain land in, to The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash- ington Railroad Company__________ 1731 Mats, Cocoa-Fiber, duty on, increased___ 2542 Mayo, Chester G., payment to, for pur- chase of certain floral wreaths ______ 1702 McBride, Betty, gratuity payment to ____ 1747 McCarn, Ruth, payment to _______ - - - __ 1736 McCleary, Maj. O . S., allowance to, for difference in pay__________________ 1745 McDonald, George W., honorable dis- charge to_________________________ 1729 McDormott, Lewis A., Marine Corps record corrected_______ ____________ 1701 McGrath, Marie E., disability claim of, to beexamined_____----------__----- 1693 McGuire, Alva D., payment to, for prop- ertydamage______________________ 1746 McIntire, Mary L., payment to, for prop- ertydamage______________________ 1759 McKee, Howard, payment to, for prop- ertydamage______________________ 1762 McManus, Rosamond B., payment to, for death of husband_____________ - ____ 1686 Meaney, James J., honorable discharge grantedto________________________ 1765 Mechanical Musical Reproductions, in- cluded in copyright privileges to Greece___________________________ 2502 Memorial Service to Former President Coolidge, joint session of the two Houses ordered for February 6,1933_ 1783 Merchandise in Bonded Warehouses: Extending time for withdrawing imports entered prior to 1930_ ___________ 2505 Prior to 193L _______ - ____________ 2548 Merchants and Farmers Bank, Junction City, Ark., reimbursement oL_____ 1737 Merrin, Harold W., reimbursement for travel expenses_______________ - ____ 1733 Mesa Verde National Park, Colo., area enlarged__________________________ 2511 Meyer, Harvey K., credit allowed in ac- counts oL________________________ 1656 Migratory Bird Refuge, Bear River, Utah, established________ __________ 2435 Migratory Birds, modifying regUlations forprotecting _______ 2440,2476,2481,2520 Migratory Bird Treaty Act: Page Designating as closed area- Cape Romain Bird Refuge, S. C _ __ _ 2513 St. Marks Migratory Bird Refuge, Fla____________________________ 2493 Migratory Waterfowl, restriction on hunt- ing of________________________ 2475,2501 Military Records Corrected: Allen, Malcolm ____________________ _ Henry, Basil N ____________________ _ Holman, George H _________________ _ Leach, Dock _______________________ _ Moncravie, John W ________________ _ Simpson, LemueL __________________ _ Miller, Lyman L., reimbursement to ____ _ 1708 1667 1709 1659 1659 1658 1723 Mills Brothers, payment to, for damage to vesseL ___________________________ 1706 Mills, Ogden L.: Appointing, as Director General of Railroads and Agent of the Presi- dcnt___________________________ 2500 Designating, as agent in actions arising from Federal railroad controL ____ 2500 Mirabelli, Pasquale, refund of cash bond to________________________________ 1667 Missouri River, signatures to bill relating to bridging, ordered rescinded_ _____ 1785 Moncravie, Elizabeth, military record of husband corrected_____ ____________ 1659 Moncravie, John W. (alias John Wisner), military record corrected___ ________ 1659 Montana: Conveyance of land to School District No. 15, Lincoln County, au- thorized _________ ____ __ ____ _____ 1727 Glacier National Park made part of Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park_____________________ 2519 Yellowstone National park, area en- larged__________________________ 2537 Moore, Robert F., homestead entry of, validated_________________________ 1768 Moran, Carroll K., payment to, for per- sonal moneys expended____________ 1669 Moratorium on Foreign Debts, additional copies of hearings on, ordered print- ed_______________________________ 1782 Morgan, George, payment to, for prop- ertydamages____________________ 1759 Morris, Caroline, conveyance by quit- claimdeed to_____________________ 1750 Moynihan, J. P ., refund to, for forfeited bail bond_________________________ 1668 Mulinex, Chase E., credit allowed in ac- counts of- ____ .. ___________________ 1703 Murnane, Mary, payment to, for per- sonal inj uries_ _______________ _____ 1693 Murray, James P., repayment of money to________________________________ 1715