Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1172

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S S.c . nd Fox Indi.ns, Okla., addition of certain names to final roll of _______ _ S.....n, Arthur R., adjustment of claim of_ Saparo N.tlonal Monument, ArIz., es- tablished________________________ _ Saint BalaI, Sisters of, payment to, for propertydamage_________________ _ Saint Louis, Mo., sale of certain Govern- ment property in, authorized______ _ Salem, George J., claim arbitration agree- ment, United States and Egypt____ _ S.nford. Anna Marie. disability claim of, to be considered__________________ _ SaD Geronimo Reser....tion. P . R ., de- scription of naval reserve clarified __ Sardines, Norwegian, exchange of notes concerning tariff treatment of_____ _ S.whiD. Alexander F., honorable dis- charge granted to ________________ _ Schaffer, D.nlel S •• Company (Inc.), re- imbursement to, for losses on con- tracts ___________________________ _ Schneider, Jack. payment to, for loss of airplane_________________________ _ School District No. 15. Lincoln Count,. Mont., conveyance of land to, au- thorized_________________________ _ Schwartz, S.muel, payment to estate of, fordeath________________________ _ SdawfetHr, Gust J., compensation to, for lost Liberty bonds________________ _ Scott, Fr.nk R., payment to, for personal injuries _________________________ _ Scotts Bluff N.tional Monument, Nebr., area en1arged_____ ~ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ Seaeord, D.yfd J., payment to, for prop- ertydamage_____________________ _ Sears, ElsIe M., payment to, for personal, etc., injuries_____________________ _ Semler, Lewis, settlement of claim, au- thorized_________________________ _ Senate. convened in special session _____ _ Serra, Junlpero. proceedings on accept- ance of statue of, ordered printed __ _ Seupelt. J . G .. adjustment, homestead entryof_________________________ _ Seyfer, General John: Acceptance, etc., of statue of, from Tennessee, for Statuary HalL ___ _ Proceedings on, ordered printed___ _ Shaffer, Delbert H •• payment to, for property 10sSe8 ___________________ _ Shanghai. China: Chinese courts in International'Settle- ment, agreement concerning_____ _ Exchange of notes ________________ _ Unilateral declaration, reservation of rights_______________________ _ INDEX. Page 1655 1655 2557 1759 1756 2700 1658 2482 2160 1736 1665 1760 1727 1696 1751 1710 2512 1759 1711 1674 2555 1779 1718 1776 1779 1721 2713 2716 2719 Shaw, John S •• disability claim of, to be Page examined_________________________ 1715 Sheepswool Sponges, duty on, decreased_ 2530 Sheldon, CI,de, refund of fine to________ 1698 SheDy, Emma, payment to, for property damage__________________________ 1697 Shelton, J. G •• settlement of claim, au- thorized__________________________ 1677 Sherburne Mercantile Company, pay- ment to, for supplies furnished In- dians____________________________ 1671 Sherman. William M., honorable dis- charge granted to_________________ 1754 Ship Measurement Certifieates, agree- ment for recognition of, Estonia____ 2597 Shipping Profits, Relief from Double In- come Tax on: Agreements with- Brazil____________________________ 2620 Canada__________________________ 2580 ])enmark_________________________ 2612 France___________________________ 2604 Germany_________________________ 2627 Great Britian_ _ _ _________________ 2587 Greece___________________________ 2608 Iceland__________________________ 2612 Ireland, Northern____ ____ ____ ____ _ 2587 Italy____________________________ 2599 Japan____________________________ 2578 Netherlands______________________ 2601 Norway__________________________ 2617 Spain____________________________ 2584 Shipping Service, etc., extending time for establishing, to Virgin Islands_ _ 2466, 2528 Shirley. W . J •• reimbursement to, for de- stroyedproperty__________________ 1661 Shoes: Leather, duty modified______________ 2490 Rubber, duty increased_ _____________ 2552 Short, Ross, Shaw, and Mayhood, pay- ment to, for services_______________ 1715 Shriner, Walter L., payment to, for prop- erty losses_______ ___ _____________ _ 1721 Simmons, Alfred G., Jr., compensation to, for personal injuries_______________ 1672 Simmons, Clara H., may bring suit for propertydamages_________________ 1670 Simpson, Harrison, disability claim of, to be examined______________________ 1681 Simpson, Lemuel, military record cor- rected____________________________ 1658 Sinks, Mary Byrkett, reimbursement to_ _ 1750 Sisters of Saint Baisl, payment to, for propertydamage__________________ 1759 SmeDow, Lt. Morris, appointment as passed assistant paymaster, Navy, authorized________________________ 1717 Smith, Lela B., payment to, for death of husband__________________________ 1701