Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1176

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· XXIV INDEX. Wool-Celt Hats and Bodies Therefor, duty Page Y Page dec~ _______________________ _ Wool KDlt Outerwear, Infants', modifying duties___________________________ _ 2438 Yachts, Pleasure, agreement with Sweden 2517 for exemption of, from navigation dues ____________________________ 2655 WOI'den, P. A ., payment to, for property YeUowstone National Park. area enlarged_ 2537 l~ ___________________________ _ 1721 YOI'k, O. R ., credit allowed in accounts of_ ·1684 WOI'sham, Maj. L. D., settlement of Yorktown, Va., observance of sesquicenten- claimof_________________________ _ 1739 Dial of Lord Cornwallis' surrender at_ 2479 Woven-Wire Cloth, duty inc~ _____ _ 2437 Young, Clarence G., payment to________ 1668 Wright, Viola, disability claim of, to be e~ e d _________ __________ _____ _ Young, Walter Sam, honorable discharge 1690 granted to________________________ 1760 W,aU, M. B ., payment of travel allowance to______________________________ _ 1685 Z W,omlng, Ashley National Forest, Utah Zeller, Enza A., disability claim of, to be and,enlarsed____________________ _ 2555 examined_________________________ 1692 0