Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/149

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72d CONGRESS. SESS. II. ClIS. 264-266. MARCH 3, 1933. 1755 [CHAPTER 264.J AN ACT March 3, 1833. To authorize exchange of small tribal acreage on the Fort Hall Indian school -(Pitts. 45~G.I_1 reserve in Idaho for adjoining land. . nte, o. . Be. it enacted by the Senate and H O1Ue of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongress lUJsemhled That the Secretary Fort ,Hall Indian fhI.bedh.h'L h'd'. h' d' . ReservbtoD,I1ab•. o t e nterlOr , an e IS ereDY, aut orIze ,In IS lSCretion, to Exehtlllgll of land, arrange and eft'ect an even exchange with the owner of the west authorlwd. haJf southeast quarter northeast quarter section 2t township 5 south, range 34 east, Boise meridian, in Idaho, former Irrigable allotment Numbered 175 on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, in Idaho, in which the United States will acquire, in trust for the Fort Hall Indians, title to that part of the twenty acres above described lying east of the right of way of the Oregon Short Line Railroad, in con- sideration for a deed trom the said Secretary of the Interior, which he is hereby authorized to execute, for that part of the west half northeast quarter southeast quarter said section 2 lying west of the said Oregon Short Line Railroad right of way, subJect to all existing rights of way. Approved, March 3, 1933. [CHAPTER 265.] AN ACT March 3, 1833. To authorize t.he addition of certain names to the final roll of the Sac and Fox -(-(~~N~- Indians of Oklahoma. Private, .0. 290.1 Be it enacted by the Senate QI1t(/, House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongress fl8semhled, That the Secretary Oflaeand FoxIndlans. of the Inkrior be, and he is hereby, authorized to add to the final C!rtainnamesadded roll of the Sac and Fox Indians of Oklahoma, approved October 10, to:Oi~ C:;, p. 5111; Vol. 1923, under the Acts of May 25, 1918 (40 Stat. L. 591), and June 30, 41, p. 9. 1919 (41 Stat. L. 9), the names of Stella Mae Wood, Ethelyn Gladys Wood, and Vernon Pequano, recognized members of the tribe living on the effective date of the roll, but whose names were omitted therefrom through error. Approved, March 3, 1933. [CHAFTER 266.] AN ACT Authorizing adjustment of the claim of Arthur R. Saffran. March 3, 1033. (8.4782.1 (Private, N~o='.29=1 '--' -.)- Be it enacted by the S~no;te and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongress lUJsernhled, That the Comp- !~~hU[ R. ~a~ troller General of the United States is hereby authorized and directed of. os men 0 to adjust llnd settle the claim of Arthur R. Saffrkn for $560 as the proceeds covered into the Treasury of the United States from a sale not in accordance with law of hIS automobile, a libel for the for- feiture of which for violation of internal revenue statutes was S"db- sequently dismissed by_ the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, and to allow not to exceed $560 in full and final settlement of the claim. There is hereby appro- Approprlat!oll. priated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- priated, the sum of $560, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the payment of the claim. Approved, March 3, 1933. 3051" - 33 -PT 2-9