Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/188

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1794 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY CONVENTION. NOV. 6, 1925. PlenlpotenUarlee- Sa MajesM Ie Roi d'Italie: C>()DtlDued. D..B C M. OIDlIDCO arone, on- seiller d'~tat; M. Gustavo de Sanctis1 Di- recteur du Bureau Qe la ProprieM Industrielle; M. l'Ingemeur Latterio La- boccetta; M. Gino Olivetti, Depute, Secretaire General de la Confederation de l'Indus- trie italienne; M. Ie Prof. Mario Ghiron Docent de droit industriei AI'Uni"lersite de Rome; Sa Majeste I'Empereur du Japon: M. Saichiro Sakikawa, Presi- de:c.t du Bureau des Brevet d'Invention; M. Nobumi Ito; Sa Majeste Ie Sultan du Maroc: S. Exc. M . Chassain de Marcilly, Envoye Extraor- dinaire et Mirustre PIeni- potentiaire de France a la Haye; La President des 1i:tats-Unis du Mexique: M. Julio Poulat, Attache Commercial A la Legation du Mexique a. Paris; Sa Majeste Ie Roi de N orvege: M. Birger Gabriel Wyller, Directeur General du Bu- reau de la Propriete In- dustrielle de Norvege; Sa Majeste 10. Reine des Pays- Bas: M. Ie Dr. J . Alingh Prins, President du Conseil des Brevets, Directeur de l'Of- fice de la Propriete In- dustrielle; M. Ie Dr. H . Bijleveld, ancien Ministre, Membre de 10. Chambre des Depu- tes, ancien President du Conseil des Brevets, ancien Directeur de 1'0ffice de la Propriete Industrielle; M.le Dr. J. W . Dijckmeester, Membre du Conseil des Brevets; His Majesty the of Italy: Mr. Domenico Barone, Coun- cilor of State; Mr. Gustavo de Sanctis, Director of the Bureau of Industrial Property; Mr. Latterio Laboccetta, Engineer; Mr. Gino Olivetti, Deputy, Secretary General of the Confederation of Italian Industry; Prof. Mario Ghiron, Profes- sor of Industrial Law at the University of Rome; His Majesty the Emperor of Japan: Mr. Saichiro Sakikawa, President of the Patent Office', . Mr. Nobunu Ito; His Majesty the Sultan of Mo- rocco: His Excellency Mr. Chassain de Marcilly, Envov Ex- traordinary and Minister Pleniporentiary of France at Tlie Hague; The President of the United Mexican States: Mr. Julio Poulat, Commer- cial Attach~ to the Mexi- can Lee:ation at Paris; His Majesty the King of Norway: Mr. Birger Gabriel Wyller, Director General of the Norwegian Bureau of In- dustrial Property; Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands: Dr. J. Alingh Prins, Presi- dent of the Council for Patents, Director of the Office of Industrial Prop-- erty; Dr. H . Bijl~veld, former Minister, Member of the Chamber of Deputies, former President of the Council for Patents, for- mer Director of the Office of Industrial Property; Dr. J. W . Dijckmeester, Member of the Council for Patents;