Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/196

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180:? INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY CONVENTION. NOV . 6,1925. TrnD~ieDt locomo- tiYE'!' . du nayire, dans les ma- chines, agres, apparaux et autres accessoires, Iorsque ces navires pen~treront temporairement ou acci- dentellement dans les eaux du pays, BOUS reserve que ces moyens y soient em- ployes excluslvement pour les besoins du navire j 20 l'emploi des moyens faisant l'objet du brevet dans la constnlction ou Ie fonc- tionnement des engins de locomotion aerienne ou ter- restre des autres pays de I'Union ou des accessoires de ces engins, Iorsque ceux- ci pen~treront temporaire- ment ou accidentellement dans ce pays. ARTICLE 6. tio~a!TarmstroBot (talk) 20:02, 11 June 2014 (UTC)r3- Toute marque de fabrique ou Restrictions. de commerce reguli~rement enre- gistree dans Ie pays d'origine sera admise au depat et protegee telle quelle dans Ies autres pays de l'Union. Toutefois, pourront ~tre refusees ou invalidees: 10 Les marques qui sont de nature a porter atteinte a des droits acquis par des tiers dans Ie pays Oll Ia protection est reclamk. 20 Les marques depourvues de tout carac~re distinctif, ou bien composees exclu- sivement de Slgnes ou d'in- dications pouvant servir, dans Ie commerce, })Our designer l'espooe, Ia qualite, Ia quantite, Ia destination, Ia valeur, Ie lieu d'origine des prodllits ou l'epoque de production, ou devenus usuels dans Ie langage courant ou les habitudes loyales et constantes du commerce du pays Oll la protection. est reclamee. Dans l'appreciation du caract~re distinctif d'une marque on devra tenir compte de toutes Ies cir- constances de fait, notam- ment de Ia duree de I'usage de Ia marque. in the machinery, tackle, appa- ratus, and other accessories when such ships enter temporarily or accidentally the waters of the countrv, provided that such thing is employed there exclusivel~· for the needs of the vessel. (2) The use of anythin~ the subject matter of the patent m the construction of or functioning of the engines of locomotion for air or land of the other countries of the Union, or of the accessories of these engines, when these enter the country temporarily or acci- dentally. ARTICLE 6. Every trade-mark duly regis- tered in the country of o~ shall be admitted for registratIon and protected in the form originally registered in the other countries of the Union. Nevertheless, the following marks may be refused or canceled: (1) Those which are of such a nature as to prejudice rights acquired by third parties in the country in which protection is applied for. (2) Those which have no distinctive character, or which consist exclusively of signs or indications which serve in trade to designate the kind, quality, quantity, destination, value, place of origin, or date of pro- duction, or which have become customary in the current lan- guage, or in the bona :Me and unquestioned usages of the trade of the country in which protection is sought. In arriving at a decision as to the distinctiveness of the char- acter of a mark, all the circum- stances of the case must be taken into account, and in particular the length of time that such a mark has been in use.