Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/227

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CONVENTION-AMERICAN RIGHTS IN IRAQ. JAN. 9, 1930. 1833 &c., due to war or local disturbances, or in the casa of permanent diaabll1ty 8cbedulI n-contd. certi1led by a medical board to have arisen out of the special circumstances of }lis employment. In the case of loss of property, no compensation wW be paid mless it can be reasonably shown that it was lmpoBB1ble to inaul'! such prop- 'rty or that Insurance could only have been effected at an exorbitant premium. In any case compensation wtll be paid only in respect of articles considered necessary and Indispensable, and the Government w1l1 take no respon81bll1ty for the loss, theft, or destruction of valuables, such as jewellery, works of art, &c. Provident Fund. 13. A Provident Fund shall be 1nBtttuted to which Government and the officials shall contribute as follows:- (1.) Every official shall contribute to the Provident Fund monthly by the deduction from his salary bID of one-twelfth of his pay. (ll.) The Government shall contribute monthly in respect of each official a sum equal to twice the official's contribution during the preceding month. (iii.) Sums deducted on this account from the salary b1lls of officials, together with the sums due from Government, shall be transmitted monthly to such person or persons as may be appointed Treasurer of the fund by IDs Britannic Majesty's Government, and the fund will be administered by trustees approved, and In accordance with rules laid down by His Britannic Majesty's Government. (iv.) Every official, except officials on whose behalf the Government has paid or accepted UabiUty for pension contribution up to the date of commence- ment of service under the new conditions, shall contribute to the fund in respect of service between the 11th November, 1920, and the date on which these conditions of service become applicable to him a sum equal to one- twelfth of his aggregate pay during such period. (v.) Government shall contribute a like amount to that contributed by the official In respect of pre-eontract service referred to in sub-clause (tv). (vi.) In the case of officials who are lent or transferred to the Iraq Govern- ment by other Governments and who continue to 'qualify for the pension payable by their parent service on condition that their pension contributions continue to be paid, such pension contributions (except in so far as they are payable: by the official himself under the rules of his parent service) shall con- tillUe to be paid by the Iraq Government. The first five sub-clauses of this clause shall not apply in the case of such officials. Langooge-8 . 14. An official will be required to comply v-Uh the provisions of such regulations relating to language examinations as may be drawn up by a Disciplinary Board constituted under clause 17 of this schedule and approved by the High COm....issioner. Such regulations may provide for the stoppage of promotion in the event of failure to pass an examination prescribed as com- pulsory, and may further provide for termination of the official's contract without compensation In the event of repeated failures. Tr41'elling Allowances: Acting Allowances. 15. Traveling and transport allowances within Iraq and acting allowances shall be admissible in accordance with rules applicable to local officials. Currency. 16. In the event of the currency being altered, the rupee emoluments shall thereafter be payable in the new currency at the current rate of exchange except as provided in clause 3(2) of this sch~du1e. Discipline. 17. Officials will, for the purposes of discipline, be under the supervision of a Board composed as follows:- PREsIDENT: The Prime Minister. MEMBERS: A representative of his Excellency the High Commissioner, three Ministers and three senior British officials nominated by His Majesty the King. The findings of the Board shall be subject to thp. a .pproval of His Ma,Jesq the King. Before such approval is given, his Excellency the High Commis- Bloner shall be given an opportunity of expreaslng his opinion on sach findings.