Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/273

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TREATY, FRIENDSmp, ETC., -AUSTRIA. JUNE 19, 1928. 1879 dence outside of the territory where the injury occurred, enjoy the same rights and privileges as are or may be granted to nation- als, and under like conditions. ARTICLE III. The dwellings, warehouses, manufacturies, shops and other places of business, and all premises thereto appertaining of the nationals of each of the High Contracting Parties in the territories of the other, used for any purposes set forth in Article I, shall be respected. It shall not be allowable to make a domicili- ary visit to, or search of any such buildings and premises, or there to examine and inspect books, papers or accounts, except under the conditions and in conformity with the forms prescribed by the laws, ordinances and regulations for nationals. ARTICLE IV. Where, on the death of any person holding real or other llocunovable property or interests therein within the terri- tories of one High Contracting Party, such property or interests therein would, by the laws of the country or by a testamentary dis- position, descend or pass to a na- tional of the other High Contract- ing Party, whether resident or non-resident, were he not dis- qualified by the laws of the coun- try where such property or inter- f3Sts therein is or are situated, such national shall be allowed a term of three years in which to sell the same, this term to be reasonably prolonged if circum- stances render it necessary, and withdraw the proceeds thereof, without restraint or interference, and exempt from any succession, probate or administrative duties or charges other than those which may be imposed in like cases upon the nationals of the country from which such proceeds may be drawn. gllnftigungen geniefJen, mit fie ben rigenen etaattcmge~iSrigen ieQt oba fflnftig gtmal)tt tttrben, o~ Dllldfid)t QUf ~te fmnbe etaattcmge~6rlgfrit oba batauf, bafi fie ~en SIDo~fiQ QUfitr~lb bet ~ebidet l)aben, mo bet ed)aben~faU ringen-den ift. ~rtifel III. mie SIDo~nungen, 2agtr.. b~=ID~ P~ ;:! ~ufer, ~abrlfen, 2dben unb fonftigen~. ., ~efdjdft~ritume ber etaat~nge~6rlgen i~ ber ~o~en bertragfdjliefienben XeUe fotuie aUe baAu ge~origen ~runb- ft1lde, bie in ben ~ebieten bet anbmn Xrilet liegen unb rinem btr in !ttifel I genannten .8tuede bienen,' foUen nid)t angdaftet merben. 3n fold)en ~e- bituben unb Dldumlid)feiten unb auf foldjen ~nbft1lden .pau~fud)ungen ober murdjfud)ungen borAune~men ober SBild)er, ed)rlftft1ldc ober Dledjnungen einer ~ri1fung unb ~infidjt AU unter.. tuerfen, ift nut Aulliffig unter ben SBor.. au~feQungen unb unter SBeobad)tung bet ~ormen, bie bon ben ~efeQen, SBer.. orbnungett unb SBeftimmungen filr bie rigmen etaat~nge~iirlgen tJorgefdjrle- ben finb. ~rtifel IV. SIDenn eine ~erfon bet sleeTarmstroBot (talk)[;r i~rem Xobe inner~alb ber ~ebide bet etc. ' eitten ~o~en tJertragfd)liefienben Xeilet ~runb.. ober fonftiget unberoeglid)et SBermogen ober Dledjte baran ~inter.. litfit unb biefet SBermiSgen obet biefe Dledjte nad) ben am ()rte geltenben ~efeQen ober infolge leQttuiUiger SBer.. filgung an fid) auf einen etaat~ge.. ~orlgen be~ anbeten ~o~en tJertrag .. fd)liefienben Xeilet-mag er in beffen ~ebid mo~nen ober nid)t-i1berg*n ober bererbt werben milrben, tuenu er nid)t nad) ben ~efeQen bet 2anbet, in bem ba~ SBermiigen ober bie Dledjte baran fid) bef\nben, ~iebon au~gefdjlofl ft!l tudre, fo foU biefen etaat~nge.. ~iirlgen eine ~rlft bon ~rei 3a~ren, bie, tuenn niStig, angemeffen berllingert werben fann, beroiUigt maben, um biefet SBermiigen ober biefe Dled)te AU berdufiern unb ben ~riS~ au~ ber SBer.. dufierung frei unb unge~inbert an fid) AU Ai~; er foIl babei frinen anberen ~bfd)aft~.. , 9lad)lafigerldjtf" oba>Ber.. maltung~bgaben ober 2aften unter.. tuorfen merben, ar~ in gleid)en ~itUen ben etaat~e~iSrlgen bet 2anbet aUftrlegt maben, au~ bt.m biefer ~rlOf geAogm mirb.