Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/293

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SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT-AUSTRIA. JAN . 20, 1931. Supplementary Agreement to the Treatzo June 19, 1928, between t'h£ . UniJed Statu of America and Austria 0 Friendship, Oommerce and Oonsular RigM8. Signd at Viem..a, anuary 20, 1931; ratification advised by the Senate, February SO, 1931; ratified by the President, April S9, 1931; ratified by Austria, March 28, 1931; ratifications exchanged at Vienna, May 27, 1931; proclaimed, May 28, 1931. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION 1899 lanuary 20. 11131 • WHEREAS a Supplementary Agreement to the Treaty of Friendship, ~:~~t.:~ Commerce and Consular Rights between the United States of America t and the Republic of Austria, concluded and signed on the nineteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, was con- cluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Vienna on the twentieth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, the original of which Supplementary Agreement, being in the English and German languages, :s word for word as follows: SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENT TO THE TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP. COMMERCE AND CONSULAR RIGHTS BETWEEN Englfsh text. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA, SIO!lED ON JUNE 19. 1928. The United States of America and the R~ublic of Aus&ria, by the Plenipotentiaries. undersigned Mr. Gilchrist Baker Stockton, Envoy Extraordin~ and Minister Plenipoteniary of the United States of America at Vienna, and Dr. Johann Schober, Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria, their duly empowered plenipotentiaries, agree, as follows: Notwithstanding the ~rovisions of tbe first paragraph of Article m~.;I0n of maty XXIV of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights, ARk. P . 1893. between the United States of America and the Republic of Austria., signed June 19, 1928, to the effect that the said Treaty shall remain in force for the term of six years from the date of the exchange of ratifications, it is agreed that the sai,d Treaty may be terminated on February 11, 1935, or on any date thereafter, by notice given by either high contracting party to the other l?arty one year before the date on which it is desired that such termination shall become effective. DONE in duplicate, in the English and Geanan languages, at Vienna, this 20~ day of January One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirtyone. [SEAL] [SEAL] 3051°-33-PT 2 -18 G. B . STOCKTON SCHOBER