Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/298

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1904 CONVENTION-COMMERCIAL AVIATION. FEBRUARY 20,1928. . \ inrorthlness <wtifl. ~ttlS. Certifica tes or com- petency. ARTICLE XII Every aircraft engaged in international navigation (between the several contracting states) shall be provided with a certificate of airworthiness issued by the state whose nationality it possesses. This document shall certify to the states in whIch the aircraft is to operate, that, according to the opinion of the authority that issues it, such aircraft complies with the airworthiness requirements of each of the states named in said certificate. The aircraft commander shall at all times hold the certificate in his custody and shall deliver it for inspection and verification to the authorized representatives of the state which said aircraft visits. Each contracting state shall communicate to the other states parties to this convention and to the Pan American Union its regu- lations governing the rating of its aircraft as to airworthiness and shall similarly communicate any changes made therein. While the states affirm the principle that the aircraft of each con- tracting state shall have the liberty of engaging in air commerce with the other contracting states without being subjected to the licensing system of any state with which such commerce is carried on, each and every contracting state mentioned in the certificate of airworthiness reserves th~ rif~ht to refuse to recognize as valid the l,-ertificate of airworthiness 0 any foreign aircraft where inspection by a duly authorized commission of such state shows that the air- craft is not, at the time of insJ>ection, reasonably airworthy in ac- cordance with the normal reqUIrements of the laws and regulations of such state concerning the public safetv. In such cases said state may refuse to Permit further transit by the ain!raft through its air space until such time as it, with due regard to the public safety, is satisfied as to the airworthiness of the air- craft, and shall immediately notify the state whose nationality the aircraft possesses and the Pan American Union of the action taken. AlmCLE XIII The aircraft commander, pilots, engineers, and other members of the operating crew of every aircraft engaged in international navi~a­ tion between the several contracting states shall, in accordance WIth the laws of each state, be provided with a certificate of competency by the contracting state whose nationality the aircraft possesses. Such certificate or certificates shall set forth that each pilot, in addition to having fulfilled the requirements of the state issuing the same, has passed a satisfactory examination with regard to the traffic rules existing in the other contracting states over which he desires to fly. The requirements of form of said documents shall be Ulliform throughout all the contracting states and shall be drafted in the language of all of them, and for this purpose the Pan American Union is charged with making the necessary arrangements amongst the contracting states. Such certificate or certificates shall be held in the possession of the aircraft commander as long as the pilots, engineers and other mem- bers of the operating crew concerned continue to be employed on the aircraft. Upon the return of such certificate an authenticated copy thereof shall be retained in the files of the aircraft. Such certificate or certificates shall be open at all times to the in- spection of the duly authorized representatives of any state visited. Each contracting state shall communicate to the other states parties to this convention and to the Pan American TTr 11')n its regulations governing the issuance of such certificates and shau from time to time communicate any changes made therein.