Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/316

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1922 CLAIMS CONVENTION-PANAMA. JULY 28, 1926. Colon Fire excepted. " 'I Itt, p. 1917. sible, provided in the case of the claims filed with the Commission thatsuch claims have been heard Cl' and decided. 8lDlS This provision shall not aJ?ply to the so-ealled Colon Fire ClaIms, which will be disposed of in the manner _provided for in Article I of this Convention. ARTICLE VIII. O!~:l~b~~tr:, The total amount awarded in all the cases decided in favor of the citizens of one country shall be deducted from the total amount awarded to the citizens of the other country, and the bal- ance shall be paid at the City of Panama or at Washington, in gold coin or its equivalent within one year from the date of the final meeting of the Commission, to the Government of the country in favor of whose citizens the greater amount may have been awarded. Expenses. ARTICLE IX. Each Government shall pay its own Commissioner and bear its own expenses. The expenses of the Commission including the sal~ of the third Commissioner shall be defrayed in equal propor- tions by the two Governments. ARTICLE X. E1change of ratiftca- Thti/eresent Convention shall dons. be ra . ed by the IDgh Contract- Signatures. ing Parties in accordance with their respective Constitutions. Ratifications of this Convention shall be exchanged in Washington as soon as practicable and the Convention shall take effect on the date of the exchange of ratifi- cations. In witness whereof, the respec- tive plenipotentiaries have signed and affixed their seals to this Convention. Done in duplicate in Washing- ton this twenty-eighth da.y of July 1926. inadmisible en 10 futuro, siempre que las reelamaciones present&.das a 180 Comisi6n hayan sido ofdas y falladas. Est&. estipulaci6n no sed, apli- cable a las llamadas Reclams- ciones por el Incendio de Col6n, con las cuales se procedera de la manera estipulada en el articulo! de esta Convenci6n. ARTiCULO VIII. La cantidad totaladjudicada en todos los casos decididos a favor de los ciudadanos de un pais sera deducida de 180 cantidad total adjudicada a los ciudadanos del otro pais, y el saldo sed, pagado en 180 ciudad de Panama 0 en Washington, en moneda de oro 0 su equivalente, dentro del afio siguiente a 180 fecha de 180 sesi6n final de 180 Comisi6n, a1 Gobiemo del pais en favor de cuyos ciuda- danos se haya adjudicado 1& cantidad mayor. ARTiCULO IX. Cada Gobiemo pagara su pro- pio Comisionado y sufragara sus propios gastos. Los gastos de 180 Comisi6n, inclusive et sueldo del tercer Comisionado, seran cubier- toe J?or partes iguales por los dos Goblemos. ARTiCULO X. Esta Convenci6n sera ratificada por las Altas Partes Contratantes, ae acuerdo eon sus respectivas Constituciones. Las ratificacio- nes seran canjeadas en Washing- ton tan pronto como sea dab1e ., la Convenci6n comenzara a surtir sus efectoe desde 180 fecha en que se verifique el canje. En testimonio de 10 cual, los Plenipotenciarios respectivos han firmado y sellado esta Conven- ci6n. Becha por duplicado en Wash- ington e1 dia vemtiocho de julio de 1926. [SEAL] FRANK B KELLOGG [SEAL] R. J . ALJI'AllO [SEAL] EUSEBIO A MORALES