Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/371

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PAN AMERICAN CONSULAR CONVENTION. FEB . 20, 1928. 1977 Nicaragua: Carlos Cuadra Pazos, Joaquin G6mez, Maximo H. O:n~l:!.::~ntlarle&­ Zepeda. Bolivia: J 096 Antezana, Adolfo Costa du Rels. Venezuela: Santiago Key Ayala, Francisco Gerardo Yanes, Rafael Angel Arraiz. Colombia: Enrique Olaya Herrera, JesUs M. Yepes, Roberto Urdaneta Arbelaez, Ricardo Gutierrez Lee. Honduras: Fausto Davila, Mariano Vazquez. Costa Rica: Ricardo Castro Beeche, J. Rafael Oreamuno, Arturo Tinoco. Chile: Alejandro Lira, Alejandro Alvarez, Carlos Silva Vild6- sola, Manuel Bianchi. Brazil: Raul Fernandes, Lindolfo Collor, Alarico da Silveira, Sampaio Correa, Eduardo Espinola. Argentina: Honorio Pueyrred6n, (Later resigned), Laurentino Olascoaga, Felipe A. Espil. Paraguay: Llsandro Diaz Le6n. Haiti: Fernando Dennis, Charles Riboul. Dominican Republic: Francisco J. Peynado, Gustavo A. Diu, Elias Brache, Angel Morales, Tulio M. Cestero, Ricardo Perez Alfonseca, Jacinto R. de Castro, Federico C. Alvarez. United States of Americf.: Charles Evans Hughes, Noble Brandon Judah, Henry P. Fletcher",. Oscar W. Underwood, Dwight W. Mor- row, Morgan J. O'Brien, -James Brown Scott, Ray Lyman Wilbur, Leo S. Rowe. Cuba: Antonio S. de Bustamante, Orestes Ferrara, Enrique Her- nandez Cartaya, Jose Manuel Cortina, Aristides Agiiero, Jose B. Aleman, Manuel Marquez Sterling, Fernando Ortiz, Nastor Car- bonell, Jesus Maria Barraque. Who, after having deposited their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the following provisions: Section I-Appoilntments and /'INU}tiO'lUJ AlmOLE 1 States may appoint in the territory of others, with the express or tacit consent of the latter, con3uls who shall there represent and defend their commercial and industrial interests and render to their nationals such assistance and protection as they may need. ARTICLE 2 Appointment!! and functloll8. Consular officers. Th"" form and requirements for appointment, the classes and the m::Tor :g~iTarmstroBot (talk)!t rank of the consuls, shall be regulated by the domestic laws of the classes and rank. ' respective state. ARTICLE 3 Unless consented to by the state where he is tv serve one of its Service by natlonala • • , of state wherein servo natIonals may not act as consul. The grantmg of an exequatur ing. implies such consent. ARTICLE 4 The consul having been appc..inted, the state shall forward through fo:::sston to be diplomatic channels to the other state the respective commiesion . which shall contain the name, category and authority of the appointee. As to a vice consul or commercial agent appointed by the respec- Vice :;3l18uls ts and tive consul, where there is authorization by law, the commission shall commerc agen. be issued and communicated to the latter.