Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/373

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PAN AMERICAN CONSULAR CONVENTION. FEB. 20, 1928. 1979 Alma.. 18 A person duly accredited for the purpose may combine diplomatic ~~ ofcc: representation a.nd the consular :function proVIded the state before re~tatlOlL which he is accredited consents to it. 88CtioA II-Prerogat~8 of c01'l.8Ul3 AllTICLB 14 In the absence of a special agreement between two nations, the reulmmrJJJJ&7 na .. consular !Lf!8nts who are nationals of the state appointing them, . shall neither be arrested nor prosecuted ::rt in the cases when they are accused of committing an act cl as a crime by local legislation. . AJm:cu: 15 In criminal cases, the prosecution or the defense maY' request at- Attend"DDIM tztaL tendance of consular agents at the trial, as witnesses. This request must be made with all possible consideration to consular di~ty and t{) the duties of the consular office and shall be complied 'WIth by the consular official. Consular agents shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts 1 l~ODofOOlD1l in civil cases, although with the limitation that when the consul n -. is a national of his state and is not engaged in any private business with purposes of gain, his testimonY' shall be taken either verbally or in wrltin~, at his residence or office, with all the consideration to which he 18 entitled. The consul may, nevertheless, of his own free will appear as a wit- az!,ol:~.appeer­ ness when such appearance does not seriously hinder the discharge l. his official duties. ARTICLE 16 Consuls are not subject t{) local jurisdiction for' acts done in their Juri8diCsultlOl~ of oourts mcl 1 ffi.Ih te d'thi th fh' h' In over con S0 a WI n escope0 telrautorlty. case acts. a private individual deems himself injured by the consul's action he must submit his complaint to the government" which, if it considers the claim to be relevant, shan make it valid through diplomatic channels. ARTICLE 17 In respect to unofficial acts, consuls are subject, in civil as well as UIIII1IlciaJ acta. in criminal matters, to the jurisdiction of the state where they exer- cise their functions. ArnOLE 18 The official residence of the consuls and places used for the con- Inviolability of olD· sulate's offices and archives are inviolable and in no case may the local ==::::. oftloee, authorities enter them without the permission of the consular agents; neither shall they examine nor seize; under any pretext whatsoever, documents or other objects found in a consular office. No consular officer shall be required to present his official files before the courts or to make declaration with respect to their contents. When consular agents are enga~ in business within the territory Private buslnea s-- of the state where they are exerc~ their duties, the files and docu- pen to b6aeparated. ments of the consulate shall be kept In a place entirely separate from the one where private or business papers are kept. 3051°--83 - -PT2----28