Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/404

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2010 PARCEL POST AGREEMENT-SWITZERLAND Aprt11,1932. • May 18, 1932. In case of refonrard- lng, etc. 4. En cas de rooxpedition ou de renvoi d'un colis a l'origine, l'Office rooxpediteur reprend sur l'autre Office la quote-part qui lui revient a teneur du § 1 ci- dessus et, Ie cas echeant: a) les taxes prevues aux §§ 2 et 3 ci-dessus, dont il se trouve Adecouvert; b) les droits de dedouanement, de fact age et de magasinage prevus Al'art. 5; c) les taxes de rooxpedition prevues Al'art. 10, § 1. ART. 17. pr~~d:~or~ot herein Dispositions non pre1YUeS par le present Arrangement. Universal Postal 1 A . ,11 . t Convention provisions • moms qu e es ne SOlen to govern. regloos par Ie present Arrangement, toutes les questions concernant l'echange, les demandes de re- trait, Ie renvoi des colis, sinsi que la remise et l'etablissement des avis de reception et Ie reglement des indemnites, sont traitoos sui- vant les dispositions de la Con- vention postale universelle et de son Reglement d'execution, en tant que celles-ci sont applicables et ne sont pas contraires A celles qui precedent. Si Ie cas n'est prevu nulle yart, la legislation mteme des Etats-Unis ou de la Suisse, ou les decisions prises par l'un ou l'autre des pays, sont applicables dans Ie pays respectif. co=~S:~!~ed by 2. Les details relatifs A l'appli- cation du present Arrangement seront fixes par les deux Admini- strations dans un Reglement d'execution dont les dispositions pourront ~tre modifioos ou com- pletees d'un commun accord par ~:angeOfC.O.D. voiedecorresJ.>ondance. Unm~me . accord par VOle de correspondance pourra intervenir en vue de l'e- change de colis contre rembourse- ment. Mutual noticeof 3Led Ad" tt' postal laws, etc. • S eux mID1S ra Ions se notifient mutuellement leurs lois, ordonnances et tarifs concernant l'echange des colis postaux, sinsi que toutes les moaifications de taxes qui y seraient introduites dans la suite. ,4. In case of reforwarding or return to origin of a parcel, the redispatcbing Office recovers from the other Office the quota due to it in accordance with Section 1 above, and moreover, as the case may be: a) such of the charges pre- scribed by Sections 2 and 3 above as may be due to it; b) the customs-clearance, de- livery and storage charges provided for by Article 5; c) "the reforwardiJigcharges con- templated by Article 10, Section 1. ARTICLE 17. Matters not Provided jor in the Present Agreement. 1. Unless they are provided for in the present Agreement, all questions concerning the exchange, requests for return, the return of parcels, as well as delivery and making out of return receipts and settlement of indemnities, are treated in accordance with the provisions of the Universal Postal Convention and its Regulations of Execution, in so far as they are applicable and are not contrary to the foregoing provisions. If the case is not provided for at all, the domestic legislation of t,ne United States or Switzerland, or the de- cisions made by one country or the other, are applicable in the respective country. 2. The details relative to the application of the present Agree- ment will be fixed by the two Administrations in Regulations of Execution, the provisions of which may be modified or completed by common consent by way of corres- pondence. A similar agreement through correspondence may be made with a view to the exchange of C. O. D . parcels. 3. The two Administrations notify each other mutually of their laws, ordinances and tariffs con- cerning the exchange of parcel post, as well as of all modifications m rates which may be subse- quently made. .