Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/457

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MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-WAR PRISONERS. JULY 27,1929. 2063 Le Conseil f&Mral suisse com- muniquerales adh6nons aux Gou- vernements de tous les pays au nom de qui la Convention aura ~te signoo ou l'adh6non notifioo. ARTICLE 95. L'etat de guerre donnera effet immediat aux ratifications depo- sees et aUK adh~ions notifiees par les Puissances belligerantes avant ou apr~ Ie debut des hostilites. La communication des ratifica- tions ou adhesions rec;ues des Puissances en ~tat de guerre sera faite par Ie Conseil federal suisse par la voie la plus rapide. ARTICLE 96. Chacune des Hautes Parties Contractantes aura la faculM de denoncer la presente Convention. La denonciation ne produira ses effets qu'un an apr~ que· la notification en aura ~M f&Ite par ~crit au Conseil federal suisse. Celui-ci communiquera cette noti- fication aux Gouvernements de toutes les Hautes Parties Con- tractantes. . La denonciation ne vaudra qu'a l'egard de la Haute Partie Con- tractante qui I'aura notifioo. En outre, cette denonciation ne produira pas ses effets au cours d'une guerre dans laquelle serait impliquee la Puissance denon- c;ante. En ce cas, la presente Convention continuera a produire ses effets, au dela du delai d'un an, jusqu'a la conclusion de la paix et, en tout cas, jusqu'a ce que les operations du rapatrie- ment soient terminees. ARTICLE 97. Une copie certifiee conforme de la presente Convention sera de- posee aux archives de la Societe Ges Nations par les soins du Con- seil federal suisse. De merne, les ratifications, adhesions et denon- ciations qui seront notifiees au Conseil federal suisse seront com- muniquees par lui a la Societe des Nations. The Swiss Federal Council shall communicate adherences to the Governments of all the countries on whose behaH the Convention was signed or notification of adherence made. ARTICLE 95. A state of war shall ~ve im- mediate effect to ratifications deposited and to adherences noti- fied by belligerent Powers prior to or after the outbreak of hos- tilities. The communication of ratifications or adherences received from Powers at war shall be made by the Swiss Federal Council by the most rapid method. A.RTICLE 96. Each of the High Contracting Parties shall have the right to de- nounce the present Convention. The denunciation shall not take effect until one year after notifi- cation has been made in writing to the Swiss Federal Council. The latter shall communicate such notification to the Govern- ments of all the High Contracting Parties. The denunciation shall have effect only with respect to the High Contracting Party which gave notification thereof.

Moreover, such denunciation

shall not take effect during a war in which the denouncing Power is involved. In this case, the present Convention shall con- tinue in effect, beyond the period of one year, until the conclusion of peace, and, in any event, until the processes of repatl~ation are completed. ARTICLE 97. A dul C Y certifi~d co h PY 0bf tdhe eo~.posft of certl1ied present onventlOn salle e- posited in the archives of the League of Nations by the Swiss Federal Council. Likewise, rati- fications, adherences, and denun- ciations of which the Swiss Fed- eral Council shall be notified, shall be communicated by it to the League of Nations.