Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/476

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2082 MULTII.lATERAL CONVENTION-SICK,WOUNDED. JULY 27,1929. c:TarmstroBot (talk)!rJ~entiarle- LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE TCHECOSLOVAQUE: S. Exc. M . Zdenek Fierlinger, Envoye extraordinaire et Minis- tre pIenipotentiaire de Tchecoslo- vaquie a Berne; LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE TURQUE: S. Exc. Hassan Bey, Vice- President de la Grande Assemblee nationale de Turquie, Vice-Presi- dent du Croissant-Rouge turc, S. Exc. N usretBey, Presidentdu Conseil d'Etat de la Republique, Le Professeur Akil Moukhtar Bey, Dr en Medecine, Le Dr Abdulkadir Bey, Lieu- tenant-Colonel, Medecin ririlitaire, Professeur al'Ecole d'Application et a Hopital de Gulhane; LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ORIENTALE DE L'URUGUAY: S. Exc. M . Alfredo de Castro, Envoye extraordinaire et Minis- tre pIenipotentiaire d'Uruguay a Berne; LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DES ETATS-UNIS DE VENE - ZUELA: S. Exc. M . Caracciolo Parra- Perez, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre pIenipotentiaire de Vene- zuela a Rome, M. Ivan Manuel Hurtado- Machado, Charge d'kffaires p. i. de Venezuela a Berne; Lesquels, apres s'~tre com- munique leurs pleins pouvoirs, trouves en bonne et due forme, sont convenus de ce qui suit: THE PRESIDENT OF THE CZECHO- SLOVAK REPUBLIC: His Excellency M. Zdenek Fierli_nger, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Czechoslovakia at Berne; THE PRESIDENT OF THE TURKISH REPUBLIC: His Excellency Hassan Bey, Vice President of the Grand Na- tional Assembly of Turkey, Vice President of the Turkish Red Crescent, His Excellency Nusret Bey, President of the Council of State of the Republic, Professor Akil Moukhtar Bev, Doctor of Medicine, v Lieutenant-Colonel Abdulkadir Bey, Military Surgeon, Professor at the Military Academy and at the Hospital of Gulhane; THE PRESIDENT OF THE ORIENTAL REPUBLIC OF URUGUAY: His Excellency Sr. Alfredo de Castro, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Uru- guay at Berne; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIO OF THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA: His Excellency Sr. Caracciolo Parra-Perez, Envoy extraordi- nary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary of Venezuela at Rome, Sr. Ivan Manuel Hurtado- Machado, Charge d'Affaires ad interim of Venezuela at Berne; Who, after having communi- cated to each other their full powers, found to be in good 8,nd due form, have agreed as follol"'s: The wounded and CHAPITRE PREMIER. Des blesses CHAPTl<.lR ONE . The Wounded and sick. et des malades. Sick. Treatment, etc. ARTICLE PREMIER. Les militaires et les autres personnes officiellement attachees alL,,!{ armees qui seront blesses ou malades devront ~tre respectes et proteges en toutes circonstances; ds seront traites avec humanite et soignes, sans distinction de na- tionalite, par Ie be~ligerant qui les aura en son pOUVOlr. ARTICLE ONE. Officers, soldiers, and other persons officially attached to the armies who are wounded or sick shall be respected and protected in all circumstances; they shall be humanely treated and cared for without distinction of na- tionality by the belligerent in whose power they are.