Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/482

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2088 MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-SICK,WOUNDED. JULY 27,1929. ARTICLE 16. ~;fTarmstroBot (talk)d ~!ie~~ Les bAtiments des soci~t~s de regarded as private secours admises au b~n~fice de la property. Convention seront consid~r~ comme pro:prit'ite priv~e. Le maMrlel de ces soci~teS, quel que soit Ie lieu 011 il pourra se trou- ver, sera egalement consid~r~ com- me propri~te privoo. Requisition of. only La droit de r~uisition reconnu when necessary. belli 1l' aux g~rants par es OIS et usages de la guerre ne s'exercera qu'en cas de n~cessite urgente et une fois Ie sort des bless~ et des malades a.ssur~. ARTICLE 16. The buil~ of aid societies admitted to the benefits of the Convention shall be regarded as private property. The materiel of these societies, irrespective of its location, shall likewise be regarded as private property. The right of requisition recog- nized to belligerents by the laws and customs of war shall be exer- c~sed only in case of urgent neces- sity and after the wounded and sick have been provided for. Sanitary transports. CHAPITRE V. Des transports sani- CHAPTER V. Sanitary Transporl8. taires. ARTICLE 17. MobUe sanitary for- Les v~hicules am~nag~s pour mat\0DII. I . . . Provisions governing. es ~vacuatlOns samt8lres CIrcu- lant isoIement ou en convoi seront traites comme les formations sani- taires mobiles, sauf les dispo- sitions sp~ciales suivantes: Intercepted vehicles. Le bellig~rant interceptant des v~hicules de transport so.nitaire, isoles ou en convoi, pourra, si les necessites militaires l'exigent, les arr~ter, disloquer Ie convoi, en se chargeant, dans tous les cas, des blesses et des malades qu'il con- tient. II ne pourra les utiliser que dans Ie secteur 011 ils auront ~t~ interceptes et exclusivement pour des besoins sanitaires. Cas v~hicules, une fois leur mission locale terminee, devront ~tre ren- dus dans les conditions pr~vues a l'article 14. Assigned personnel. military Le personnel militaire pr~pos~ au transport et muni a cet effet d'un mandat rWlier sera renvoy~ dans les conditions prevues a l'article 12 pour Ie personnel sani- taire, et sous reserve du dernier alin~a de l'article 18. Return of all convoys Tous les moyens de transp<?rt ofevacuation. ~_•al . ~- 1 SP""l ement orgamst::l:l pour es ~vacuations et Ie materiel d'ame- nagement de ces moyens de transport relevant du service de sant~ seront restitues conforme- Ante. p. 2(87. ment aux dispositions du chapitre IV. ARTICLE 17. Vehicles equipped for sanitary evacuation traveling singly or in convoy shall be treated as mobile sanitary formations subject to the following special provisions: A belligerent intercepting sani- tary transportation vehicles, trav- eling either singly or in convoy, may, if required by military necessity, stop them and break up the convoy, charging himself in all cases with the care of the wounded and sick whom it con- tains. He may only utilize such vehicles in the sector wherein they were intercepted and exclusivel, for sanitary needs. When their local mission is at an end, these vehicles must be returned under the conditions stipulated in Arti- cle 14. Military personnel assigned by competent orders for sanitary transportation purposes shall be returned under the conditions stipulated in Article 12 for sani- tary personnel, and subject to the provisions of the last para.- graph of Article 18. All means of transportation especially organized for evacua- tion purposes, as well as their appurtenances attached to the sanitary service, shall be returned in conformity with the provisions of Chapter IV.