Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/510

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2116 PARCEL POST CONVENTION-SWEDEN June 28. 1932. .... • July 11, 1932. followed shall be the same as if the parcel had to be sent back to the dispatching office in cons~uence of missending. Customs declaration, 4. A redirected parcel shall be accompanied by the customs decla- etc., to accompany t' redtthffif..I th If redirected parcel. ra Ion prepa a e0 ce0 orIgm. ncase eparce, orany reason whatsoever, has to be repacked or the oripnal customs decla- rption replaced by a substitute declaration it IS essential that the i, · . ne of the office of origin of the parcel and the original serial num~r appear on the parcel and that the name of the office of origin of the parcel appears on the customs declaration. Article 22. Reoeptac1ea. Recept(/;(Jlea. Bags to be provided. Each Administration shall provide the bags necessary for the dis- patch of its parcels. The bags shall be returned empty to the coun- try of origin by the next mail. Empty bags shall be made up in bundles of ten (nine ba~ enclosed in one) and the total numoor of such bags shall be advised on the parcel bili. ARTICLE 23. Cbarge8. Ooorge8. Terminal credlts. United States. Sweden. 1. For each parcel dispatched by one country to the other, the dispatching Administration shall pay to the receiving Administra- tion a terminal credit as follows: (a) For parcels originating in Sweden, addressed to the United States of Ainerica, 7.0 centimes per kilogram based on the net bulk weight of each dispatch. (b) For parcels originating in the United States of America~ addressed to Sweden, 40 centimes per kilogram based on the net bulk weight of each dispatch. Modi1Icatlonallowed. These terminal credits may be reduced or increased on three months' previous notice given bI one country to the other. These reductions or increases shall hold good for at least one year. si ParcelSth~l posrs- 2 . The amounts to be allowed in respect to parcels sent from one onora coun ry. Administration to the other for onward transmission to a possession of either country or to a third country shall be fixed by the inter- Unpaid charges. mediate Administration. 3. On every parcel returned or redirected unpaid by one of the two Administrations to the other, the returning or retransmitting Administration shall be entitled to recover from the other Adminis- tration: (a) The charges prescribed by Section 1 above; (b) The charges for reforwarding or return. In case of reforwarding or return to a third country, the charges mentioned shall follow the parcel, but in case the third country con- cerned refuses to assume the charges, because they can not be col- lected from the addressee or sender, as the case may be, or for any other reason, they shall be charged back to the country of origin. In the case of a parcel returned or redirected unpaid in transit through one of the two Administrations to or from the other, the intermediary office may claim also the sum due to it for any addi- tional territorial or sea service provided, to~ether with any amounts due to any other Administration or Admimstrations concerned.