Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/55

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72<1 CONGRESS. SESS. I . CBS. 141 -143. APRIL 25, 1932. 1661 Schoenhut, of Gardenvillel New York, the sum of $739.25, being dU~nd of customs the amount ,,~ich the said Lehde and Schoenhut paid to the col- . lector of customs of Buffalo, New York, as customs duties on certain shipments of spruce trees, aggregating three carlQads, imported into the United States from Canada durmg the month of May, 1926. The aforementioned shipments of spruce trees were subsequently refused entry into the United States by a New York State inspector, who ordered them to be reshipped to Canada because of a State quarantine, in the identical condition in which they entered this country, the said duty having been paid by the said Lehde and Schoenhut before the discovery of the quarantine order preventing entry of the said spruce trees: Provided, That it shall be shown to ~=-ce required. the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury that all of said shipments of spruce trees were ill fact reshipped to Canada in obedience to the quarantine order refusing theIr admission. Approved, April 25, 1932. [CHAPTER 142.] AN ACT April 25. 11132. For the relief 0; the State National Bank of Wills Point, Texas. [H. R . 251K.] [Private, No. 18 .! Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oong1'ess a8sem.bled, That the Secretary 8t!re~ tf~'B~L. of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to Rede~prion of loSt redeem in favor of the State National Bank of Wills Point, Texas,;;~~=.iftcatesor three 4% per centum United States Treasury certificates of indebted- ness, numbered 789, 790).. and 791, in the denomination of $1,000 each, series TJ-1929, dated ::;eptember 15, 1928, matured June 15, 1929, without interest and without presentation of the said certificates which are alleged to have been lost, stolen, or destroyed: Provided, Promw. .fi h1 Condition. That the said certl cates s al not have been previously presented and paid and that no payment shall be made hereunder for any coupons which may have been attached to the certificates: Provided further, That said State National Bank of Wills Point, Texas, shall first Indemnity bond. file in the Tre~sury Department a bond in the penal sum of double the amount of the principal of said certificates in such form and with such corporate surety as may be acceptable to the Secretary of the Treasury to indemrufv and save harmless :he United States from any loss on account 01 the certificates hereinbefore described. Approved, April 25, 1932. [CHAPTER 143.] AN ACT For the relief of W. J . Shirley. Aprll25,I93Z. [H. R. 3265.] B· dbz.S JH fR [Private, No. II1.J e tt enacte y the ' enate an«- ouae 0 eprescntativcs vI the United States of America in Oongress aBserl/hled, That the Secretary W.I . Shirley. of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to l~!:r=':ftpr!~~ pa.y, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated 1 erty. to W. J. Shirley the sum of $60.77 in reimbursement for value of his perE~mal property destroyed by fire in the military service of the United States at Brest, France, on the 21st day of July, 1919, and for which loss he was in no wise responsible. Approved, April 25, 1932.