Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/560

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2166 CONCILIATION TREATY-GREECE. JUNE 19, 1930 InUomatioll'\l Com· mission. Composition. EXI.>enseS. APpointment. have failed and the High Con- tracting Parties do not have re- courne to adjudication by a com- petent tribunal, be submitted for Investigation and report to a permanent International Com- mission constituted in the manner prescribed in the next succeeding Article; and they agree not to de- clare war or begin hostilities durin~ such investigation and before the report is submitted. ARTICLE II The International Commi~ion shall 'Le composed of five mem- bers, to be appointed as follows: Cne member shall be chosen from each country, by the Govern- ment thereof; one member shall be cho:ien by each Government from some third country; the fifth member shall be chosen by com- mon agreement between the two GoV'ernments, it being under- stood that he shall not be a citizen of either country. The expenses of the Commission shall be paid by the two Governments in equal proportions. The International Commission shall be appointed within six months after the exchange of ratifications of this treaty; and vacancies shall be filled accord- ing to the manner of the original appointment. ARTICLE III ol=TarmstroBot (talk)o 7!TarmstroBot (talk) In case the High Contracting tiona! Commission. Parties shall have failed to adjust a dispute by diplomatic method'3, and they do not have recourse to adjudication by a competent tri- bunal, they shall at once refer it to the International Commission for investigation and report. The International Commission may, however, spontaneously by unani- mous agreement offer its services ~ that effect, and in such case it she,ll notify both Governments and request their cooperation in the investigation. auront ~chnu6 et que les Hautes Parties Contract.Bontes n'auront pas recouru a Ie. d6cision d'un tribunal ~omp~tent, seront &oumis pour enqu~te et rapport A uno Commission permanente interna- tionale constItu~e selon la proce- dure prescrite par l'article sUlvant; et lea Haut~ Parties Contrac- tantes conviennent de ne poiut se d~larer 130 guerre ou COmI!lencer les hostilites pendant l'enqut1te et avant la remise du rapport en q11e.stbD. ARTICLE II Cette Commission internatio- Dale sera composee de cinq mem- bres designes de la fac;on SUlvante: Un membra sera choisi dans chaque pays par Ie gouvernement respe~tif; un membre sera choisi par chaque gouvernement parmi les sujets d'un tiers pays; Ie cinqui~me membre sera choisi de commun accord par les deux gouvernements; il est entendu que celui-ci ne sera citoyen d'au- cun des deux pays. LoR d~penses de cette Commission seront payees par les deux gouverne-- ments en proportion egale. La COmmISSion internationale sera constitu~e dans les six mois suivant l'echange des ratifica- tions du present trait6; et il sera pourvu aux vacances suivant Ie ~ode ~mp~oy~ pour la nomina- tion prImItIve. ARTICLE III Dans Ie cas Oll les Hautes Parties Contractantes auraient e0houe dans leurs efforts pour trancher un differend par les me- thodes diplomatiques, et Oll eUes n'auraient pas recours ala dooision d'un tribunal competent, elles Ie r~fereront immediatement A la Commission internationale pour enqu~te et rapport. La Commis- sion internationale pourra pour- tant spontanement et par accord unanime offm ses services aux m~mes fins' et dans ce cas elle en avisera les deux gouvernements et demandera leur cooperation a l'enqu~te.