Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/566

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2172 Certificates of mall· ing. Ordinllry parcels. PARCEL POST CONVENTION-FINLAND. BepteJlJber 1, 1932. September 23, 1932. in one of the parcel sacks. The sack containing the parcel bill is designated by the letter "F", traced in a conspicuous manner on the label. 2. The ordinary parceJs included in each despatch are to be entered on the parcel bills to show the total number of parcels and the total net weight thereof. Insured parcels shall be entered individually on the parcel bills. The entries concerning each parcel shall show the insurance number and the office (and state or country) of origin. The bulk net weight of all the insured parcels must also be shown. 3. Returned or redirected parcels must be entered individuall:r; on the parcel bills and must be followed by the word "Returned ' or " Redirected ", as the case may be. A statement of the charges which may be due on these parcels should be shown in the " Observations" column. 4. The total number of sacks comprising each despatch must also be shown on the parcel bills. 5. Parcels sent a decouvert must be entered separately on the parcel bills. 6. Each despatching office of exchange shall number the parcel bills in the upper left-hand corner, commencing each year a fresh series for each office of exchange of destination. The last number of the year "hall be shown on the parcel bill of the first despatch of the following year. 7. The exact method of advising :parcel,s or the receptacles contain- ing them sent by one AdministratIon in transit through the other together with any details of procedure in connection with the advice of such :parcels or receptacles for which provision is not made in this Convention, shall be settled by mutual agreement through correspond- ence between the two Admimstrations. ARTICLE 8. Oertijicates of Mailing. The sender will, on request at the time of mailing an ordinary (uninsured) parcel, receive a certificate of mail~ from the post office where the parcel is mailed, on a form provided for the pur- pose, and'each country may fix a reasonable fee therefor. No certificate of mailing, other than the insurance receipt, will be furnished the sender of Insured parcels. ARTICLE 9. Responsibility not Accepted for Ordinary Parcels. Responsibility not Neither the sender nor the addressee of an ordinary (uninsured) accepted. parcel shall be entitled to compensation for the loss of the parcel or for the abstraction of or damage to its contents. Insurance. ARTICLE 10. I n8'U1rance. 1. The sender of a parcel may have the same insured by paying in addition to the postage such insurance fee as is prescribed by the country of origin, and in the event of loss, rifling or damage, jdem- nity shall be paid for the actual amount, based on the actual value at the time and place of mailing, of the loss, rifling, or damage up to a sum not exceedin~ one hundred dollars, when mailed in the United States of AmerIca, or five thousand mark, when mailed in Finland.