Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/603

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PHILIPPINES-NORTH BORNEO, BOUNDARY. JANUARY 2,1930. 2207. certain of the islands which were in good faith gmnted by the Govern- o!~ of aoe. - ment of North Borneo prior to the arrangement of 1907, be allowed to stand on the terms on which they were iss'.1ed by that Government. In relation to this matter Your Excellency states that His Majesty's Government regrets that the following title was inadvertently omitted from the list of land titles included in the above arrangement: Date oj Lihiman I aland Alienation Provisional Lease 1.6.1907 No. 2417 Period 999 years Ar6(J 13 acres o roods 24 perches Under instructions from His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Your Excellency requests that I be 80 good as to inform you whether the Governmen·~ of the United States will agree to regard this title as included in those mentioned in the arrangement concluded on January 2, 1930. In reply I am pleased to inform Your Excellency that the Govern- ment of the United States agrees to the extension of the arrangement of January 2, 1930, to include the above-mentioned title, and I take pleasure also in assuring Your Excellency that your note under acknowledgment is considered by the Government of the United States as a sufficient confirmation on the part of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of the aforesaid extension. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest con- sideration. For the Secretary of State: W. R . CASTLE, Jr. HIS EXCELLENCY THE HONORABLE SIR RONALD LINDSAY, P.O ., G.O .M.G ., K.O .B., O. V.O., British, AmbD,88aOOT. 711.4115A/99 EXCHANGE OF NOTES CONCERNING THE ADMINISTRATION AND LEASE OF CERTAIN ISLANDS OFF THE COAST OF BORNEO BY THE BRITISH NORTH BORNEO COMPANY, MENTIONED IN THE EXCHANGES OJ!.' NOTES OF JANUARY 2, 1930, AND JULY 6, 1932 The British, Ambas8ador (Bryce) to tke Secretary oj State (Root) N9 151 SIR, BRITISH EMBASSY, Intervale, N.H . July 9. 1907, I have the honou.r to inform you that His Majesty's Government, acting at the request and on behalf of the British North Borneo Com- pany, are pre:pared to acquiesce in the last proposal stated in your