Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/658

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2262 Signatures. INTERNATIONAIJ LOAD LINE CONVENTION. JULY 5, 1930. In Witness whereof the Pleni- potentiaries drawn up this Final Protocol which shall have the same force and the same validity as if the provisions thereof had been inserted in the te.."{t of the Convention to which it belongs. En temoignage de quoi les Pl~nipotentiaires soussign~ ont r~dig~ ce Protocole fintll, lequel aura la m~me force et la m~me validite que si cas dispositions avaient ~te ins~rees dans Ie texte de Ia Convention. Done at London this fifth day of July, 1930, in a single copy which shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which shall transmit certified true copies thereof to all signatory Governments. Fait a Llndres ce cinquieme jour du mois de juillet, 1930, en un seul exemplaire, qui sers dtS- pose dans les archives du Gou- vernement du Royaume-Uni de la Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, qui en transmettra des copies certifiees conformes a tous les Gouvernements signataires. (L.S .) GUSTAV KOENIGS. WALTER LAAS. KARL STURM. H. P . CAYLEY. V. C . DUFFY. R. GRIMARD. A. JOHNSTON. OSCAR BUNSTER. GUILLERMO PATTERSON. EMIL KROGH. AAGE H. LARSEN. H. P . HAGELBERG. OCTAVIANO M. BARCA. SEAN DULCHAONTIGH. T. J. HEGARTY. HERBERT B. WALKER. DAVID ARNOTT. LAURENS PRIOR. HOWARD C. TOWLE. ALBERT F. PILLSBURY. ROBERT F. HAND. JAS. KENNEDY. H. W. WARLEY. JOHN G. TAWRESEY. E. P ALMSTIERNA. E. EGGERT. A. H . SAABTAMOINEN. B. BRANDT. JEAN MARIE. A. DE BERLHE. H. F . OLIVER. F. W. BATE. ALFRED J. DANIEL.