Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/702

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2306 INTERNATIONAL LOAD LINE CONVENTION. JULy 5, 1930. Rule XXXIX.- Starulard Height oj Superstructure. Standard hei&ht. The standard height of a raised quarter deck is 3 feet for ships up to Length. and including 100 feet in length, 4 feet for ships 250 feet in length and 6 feet for ships 400 feet in length and above. The standard hoight of amy other superst.ructure is 6 feet for ships up to and includkg 250 feet in length and 7 feet 6 inches for ships 400 feet in length and above. The standard height at intermediate lengths is obtained by interpo- lation. Rule XL.. - Length of Superstructure (S). The length of a superstructure is the mean covered length of the parts of the superstructure which extend to the sides of the ship and lie within lines drawn perpendicular to the extremities of the Summer load water.,line, as defined in Rule XXXII. Rule XLI. -EnclofJed Superstruct-ure. ~olOl!8d superstruc· A detached superstructure is regarded as enclosed only where- (a) the enclo~ bulkheads are of efficient construction (8" Rule XLII); (b) the access openings in these bulkheads are fitted with Class 1 or Class 2 closing appliances (se~ Rules XLIII and XLIV) ; Bulkheads. (c) all other o:penings in sides or ends of the sUferstructure are fitted With efficient weathertight means 0 closing; and (d) independent means of aeeess to crewl machinery, bunker and other working spaces within bridges and poops are at all times available when the bulkhead openings are closed. Rule XLII.- Superstructure Bulkheads. Bulkheads at exposed ends of poops, bridges and forecastles are deemed to be of efficient construction where the Assigning Authority is satisfied that, in the circumstances, they are equivalent to the fol- lowing standard for ships with mjnjmum freeboards under which standard the stiffeners and plating are of the scantlings given in Table 8, the stiffeners are spaced 80 inches apart, the stiffeners on poop and bridge front bulkheads have efficient end connections, and those on after bulkheads of bridges and forecastles extend for the whole distance between the margin angles of the bulkheads.