Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/718

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2322 INTERNATIONAL LOAD LINE CONVENTION. JULY IS, 1930. VRriatloDl. Correction for sheer. Rule LVI.-Mea8Ur6»~nt of VariaIioM from Standard Shur Proji,U. Where the sheer profile differs from the standard, the seven ordi- nates of each profile are multiplied by the appropriate factors given in the table of ordinates. The difference between the sums of the respective products, divided by 18, measures the deficiency or excess of sheer. Where th~ after half of the sheer profile is greater than the standard and the forward half is less than the standard, no credit is allowed for the part in excess and the deficiency only is measured. Where the forward half of the sheer profile exceeds the standard, and the after portion of the sheer profile is not less than 75 per cent. of the standard, credit is allowed for the part in excess; where the after part is less than 50 per cent. of the standard no credit is given for the excess sheer forward. Where the after sheer is between 50 per cent. and 75 per cent. of the standard, intermediate allowances may be granted for excess sheer forward. Rule LVII.- OorrtCtion for Variations from Standard Sheer Proji,U. The correction for sheer is the deficiency or excess of sheer (8ee Rule LVI), multiplied by .75- 2~' where S is the total length of superstructure, as defined in Rule XL. Rule LVIII.-Additionfor Dejiciency in Shure Ci!TarmstroBot (talk)tion for deft- Where the sheer is less than the standard, the correction for deficiency in sheer (see Rule LVII) is added to the freeboard Deduction for excess. Rule LIX. -Deductionfor Excess Sheer. In flush deck ships and in ships where an enclosed superstructure covers .1 L before and.1 L abaft amidships, the correction for excess of sheer (see Rule LVII) is deducted from the freeboard; in ships with detached superstructures where no enclosed superstructure covers amidships, no deduction is made from the freeboard; where an en- closed superstructure covers less than .1 L before and .1 L abaft amidships, the deduction is obtained by interpolation. The maxi... mum deduction for excess sheer is 1% inches at 100 feet and increases at the rate of l~ inches for each additional 100 feet in the length of the ship.