Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/748

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2352 INTERNATIONAL LOAD LINE CONVENTION. JULY 5, 1930. as being on the boundary line of the northern "Winter Seasonal" zone and the "Summer" zone. "Tropical" zone. The northern boundary oif the" Trompal" zone is a line drawn from Northern boundary. J:' V~ Southern boundary. Regions included. Suez Canal, etc. Persian Gulf. the east coast of South America at lat. 10° N. along the parallel of lat. 10° N. to long. 20° W., thence north to lat. 20° N. and thence along the parallel of lat. 20° N. to the west coast of Africa; a line from the east coast of Africa along the parallel of lat. 8° N. to the west coast of the Malay Peninsula, following thence the coast of Malay and Siam to the east coast of Cochin China at lat. 10° N., thence along the parallel of lat. 10° N. to long. 145° E., thence north to lat. 13° N. and thence along the parallel of lat. 13° N. to the west coast of Central America, Saigon to be considered as being on the boundary line of the "Tropical" zone and the "Seasonal Tropical" area (4). The southern boundary oj the" Tropical" zone is a line drawn from the east coast of South America along the Tropic of Capricorn to the west coast of Africa; from the east coast of Africa along the parallel of lat. 20° S. to the west coast of Madagascar, thence along the west and north coast of Madagascar to long. 50° E., thence north to lat. 10° S., thence along the parallel oflat. 10° S. ~o long. 110° E., thence along a rhumb line to Port Darwin, Australia, thence eastwards along the coast of Australia and Wessel Island to Cape Wessel, thence along the parallel of lat. 11 ° S. to the west side of Cape York, from the east side of Cape York 8 t lat. 11 ° S. along the parallel of lat. 11 ° S. to long. 150° W., thence along a rhumb line to the point lat. 26° S. leng. 75° W., and thence along a rhumb line to the west coast of South America at lat. 30° S., Coquimbo, Rio de Janeiro and Port Darwin to be considered as being on the boundary line of the "Tropical" and " Summer" zones. The following regions are to be included in the "Tropical" zone:- (1) The Suez Oanal, the Red Sea and the Gulf oj Aden, from Port Said to the meridian of 45° E., Aden and Berbera to be considered as being on the boundary line of the" Tropical" zone and the "Seasonal Tropical" area 2 (b). (2) The Persian GulJ to the meridian of 59° E. Southern "Winter The northern boundary oif the southern "Winter Seasonal" zone is a Sea80nnl" . • Northern boundary, line drawn from the east coast of South Amenca along the parallel of lat. 40° S. to long. 56° W., thence along a rhumb line to the point lat. 34° S., long. 50° W., thence along the paranel of lat. 34° S. to the west