Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/810

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2414 PARCEL POST AGREEMENT-DENMARK. ARTICLE XV. Warehousing Charges. December 9, 1932. December 28, 1932. Warehollsingcharges. The country of destination is authorized to collect the warehousing charge fixed by its legislation for parcels addressed " Poste Restante" or which are not claimed within the prescribed period. This charge may in no case exceed one dollar (5 francs).

'Iissent parcels.

Provisions for ordi- nary parcels. Insured mail. ARTICLE XVI. Missent Parcels. Ordinary parcels, when missent, are reforwarded to their correct destination by the most direct route at the disposal of the reforward- ing Administration. They must not be charged with customs or other charges by that Ad.lninistration. Insured parcels, when mis- sent, may not be reforwarded to their destination exce1?t as insured mail. If this is impossible, they must be returned to ongin. tTarmstroBot (talk)dS. it parcel re- When the reforwarding involves the return of the parcel to the office of origin, the retransmitting Administration refunds to that office the credits received and reports the error by a Bulletin of Verification. th~~rTarmstroBot (talk)g to a When the reforwarding involves the dispatch of a parcel to a third country and if the amount credited to the retransmitting Administra- tion is insufficient to cover the expenses of retransmission which it has to defray, the retransmitting Administration recovers the amount of the deficiency by claiming it from the offioo of exchange from which the missent parcel was directly received. The reason for this claim is notified to the latter by means of a Bulletin of Verification. ARTICLE XVII. Redirection. Redirection. Allo,,!~.onpayment 1. A parcel may be redirected in consequence of the addressee's of additIOnal charges. h faddre . h fd.. cange0 ssIntecountry0 estmatlOn, at the reques~ of either the sender or the addressee. For the parcels redirected in its territory, the Postal Administra- tion of the country of destination may collect additional charges fixed by its internal regulations. These charges shall not be cancelled even in case the parcel is returned to origin or reforwarded to another country. Forwarding to any 2. A parcel may be redirected out of the country of orimnal address other country. ~~ only at the sender's or the addressee's request and provided that the parcel complies with the conditions required for its further convey- ance. Insured parcels shall not be redirected to another country except as insured mail. lecTarmstroBot (talk):d!Wl~ col- New postag~, as well ~ new insurance fees, in ~he case of insured parcels, may, if not prepald, be collected upon delIvery. Forbidden, if so in- The sender is entitled to forbid, by means of a sUltable entry on structed. the dispatch note and on the parcel, any redirection. Sale or destruction. Articles liable to de- terioration. ARTICLE XVIII. Sale or Destruction. 1. Articles liable to deterioration or corruption, and these only, may be sold immediately even on the outward or return journey, without previous notice or judicial formality, for the benefit of the right party.