Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/886

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2488 PROCLAMATIONS, 1931. and has specified in its report the increase in the rate of duty expressly fix~d by statute found by the commission to be shown by said in- vestigation to be necessary to equalize such difference; and WHEREAS in the ~udgment of the President such rate of duty is shown by such investI~ation of the Tariff Commi.ssion to be neces- sary to eqllalize such dIfference in costs of production; eq~~idfffe~!:~t~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, I, HERBERT HOOVER, President of the cos!S0rproduction. United States of America, do hereby 1prove and ~roclaim an in~ \ 01. 46. p. 638. • h fd I fix fT'II crease m t e rate 0 uty express y e m paragrap 7690 Ite December 2. 1931. of said act on peas, green or unripe, from 3 cents per pound to 3~1) cents per pound, the rate found to be shown by said investigation to be necessary to equalize such difference in costs of production. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this 24 day of December, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty~ne, and of [SEAL] the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and fifty-sixth. By the President: H L STIMSON Secretary of State. HERBERT HOOVER [No. 19761 DECREASING RATE OF DUTY ON EGGPLANT BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Tarit! on eggplant. WHEREAS under and by' virtue of section 336 of Title III Part Preamble. ~, . Statutory authoriza· II, of the act of Congress approved June 17, 1930 (46 Stat. 590, 701), tl~Ol. 46. P 701. entitled" AN ACT To provide revenue, to regulate commerce with foreign countries, to encourage the industries of the United States, to protect American labor, and for other purposes," the United States Tariff Commission has investigated the differences in costs of produc- tion of, and all other facts and conditions enumerated in said section with respect to, eggplant in its natural state, being wholly or in part the growth or product of the United States and of and with respect to a like or similar article wholly or in part the growth or product of the principal competing country; WHEREAS in the course of said investigation a hearin~ was held, of which reasonable public notice was given and at which parties interested were given reasonable opportunity to be present, to produce evidence, and to be heard; WHEREAS the commission has reported to the President the results of said investigation and its findings with respect to such differ~ ences in costs of production; WHEREAS the commission has found it shown by said investiga- tion that the principal competing country is Cuba1.!l-nd that the duties expressly fixed by statute do not equalize the <1itterence in the costs of production of the domestic article and the like or similar foreign article when produced in said pincipal competing country, and has specified in its report the decrease in the rate of duty expressly fixed by statute found by the commission to be shown by said inVestI- gation to be necessary to equalize such difference; and