Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1028

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH . 590. JUNE 18, 1934 . or commercia l conventions as are now i n force or may hereafter be made from time to time by the United States with foreign govern- cost of maintaining relents and the cost of maintaining the additional customs service guard .

required under this Act shall be paid by the operator of the zone . Use of zone for resi-

SEC . 15 . (a) No person shall be allowed to reside within the zone dential purp oses re- stricted .

except Federal, State, or municipal officers or agents whose resident presence is deemed necessary by the Board . lutborby of Board .

(b) The Board shall prescribe rules and regulations regarding Regulations govern- ing employees . employees and other persons entering and leaving the zone . All rules and regulations concerning the protection of the revenue shall be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury . Exclusion or aetri- mental goads, etc

(c) The Board may at any time order the exclusion from the zone . of any goods or process of treatment that in its judgment is detri- mental to the public interest, health, or safety . due t of ret retail •d trade . c• •-

(d) No retail trade shall be conducted within the zone except [ under permi ts iss ued b y the grante e and appro ved by the B oard . Such permittees shall sell no goods except such domestic or duty- paid or duty-free goods as are brought into the zone from customs territory . Form area manner or keeping accounts.

SEC. 16. (a) The form and manner of keeping the accounts of each zone shall be prescribed by the Board . (b) Each grant ee shall make to the Board annually, and at such other times as it may prescribe, reports containing a full statement of all the operations, receipts, and expenditures, and such other information as the Board may require . (c) The Board shall make a report to Cong ress on the f irst day of each regular session containing a summary of the operation and fiscal condition of each zone and transmit therewith copies of the alienation of grant annual repor t of each gra ntee . prohibited .

SEC . 17 . The grant shall not be sold, conveyed, transferred, set over, or assigned . Revocation •n show ing of vi gra•t SEC . 18 . (a) In the event of repeated willful violations of any of the provisions of this Act by the grantee, the Board may revoke the grant after four months' notice to the grantee and affording it an opportunity to be heard . The testi mony t aken b efore the B oard shall be reduced to writing and filed in the records of the Board Pro ced ure .

together with the decision reached thereon . (b) In the conduct of any proceeding under this section for the revocation of a grant the Board may compel the attendance of wit- nesses and the giving of testimony and the production of documen- tary evidence, and for such purpose may invoke the aid of the district courts of the United States . (c) An order u nder the prov isions of this section revo king the grant issued by the Board shall be final and conclusive, unless within ninety days after its service the grantee appeals to the circuit court of appeals for the circuit in which the zone is located by filing with the clerk of said court a written petition praying that the order of the Board be set aside . Such order shall be stayed pending the disposition of appellate proceedings by the court . The clerk of the court in which such a petition is filed shall immediately cause a copy thereof to be delivered to the Board and it shall forthwith prepare, certify, and file in the court a full and accurate transcript of the record in the proceedings held before it under this section, the charges, the evidence, and the order revoking the grant . The testi- mony and evidence taken or submitted before the Board, duly certi- fied and filed as a part of the record, shall be considered by the court as the evidence in the case .