Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1058

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73d C ONGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 648. JUNE 19, 1934 . Chemistry and Soils

BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY AND SOILS Bureau . Chemical investiga- Agricultural chemical investigations : For an additional amount tions. for agricultural chemical investigations, fiscal year 1935, including the same objects specified under this head in the Agricultural Depa rtme nt Ap propr iati on Ac t of 1935, $7, 500 . Public Roads Bu- reau . Thomas Jefferson For the construction of roads within the grounds of the Thomas Memorial Foundation, . r roadways .

Jefferson Memorial Foundation at Monticello, near Charlottesville, Post, p. 1057 .

Virgi nia, fisc al year 1 935, $30, 000 . Agricultural

Ec o- nomics Bureau . Collecting data for use in foreig n trade promotion . Ante, p. 943 . Department of Com- merce . Secr etar y's offic e .

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Contingent expenses . Contingent expenses, Department of Commer ce : F or a n ad di- tional amount for the sane objects specified under this head in the Department of Commerce Appropriation Act, 1935, $2,000 . AI RCRAFT IN COMMERC E Air navigation facili- Ai r-navi gation facil ities : For an additional amount for air- tie s. navigation facilities, including the same objects specified under this head in the Depar tment of Commerce Ap propriation Act, 193 5, $306,5 50 . Aircraft in commerce . Foreign and Domes- tic Commerce Bureau . Foreign trade restric- tions, investigations . Custo ms s tatis tics . Allowance for quar- ter s. Lighthouses Bureau . Retire d pay . Fisheries Bureau. BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to collect and analyze economic data on agricultural products for use in carrying into effect the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Tariff Act of 1930 ", approved June 12, 1934 (Public, Numbered 316, Seventy-third Congress), including the employment of persons and means in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, printing, and other necessary expens es, fisca l year 19 35, $47,6 70 . DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUR EAU OF FO REIGN AND DOMESTI C COMMER CE Investigation of foreign-trade restrictions : For an additional amount for salaries and expenses, including the same objects speci- fied unde r thi s hea d in the Depar tmen t of Comme rce Appro priat ion Act, 1935, $45,210, of which amount not to exceed $44,712 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . Cu stoms statis tics : For an additional amount for salaries and expenses, including the same objects specified under this head in the Department of Commerce Appropriation Act, 1935, $11,580 . Allowance for quarters, Foreign Commerce Service : For an addi- tional amount for the same purposes specified under this head in the Department of Commerce Appropriation Act, 1935, $57,060 . BUR EAU OF LIG HTH OUS ES Retired pay : For a n addi tional amoun t for retire d pay o f offi cers and employees of the Lighthouse Service, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Department of Commerce for the fiscal year 1934, $7,500 . BURE AU OF FISHERI ES Propagation of food Propagation of food fishes : For an additional amount for the fishes. Col umb ia Riv er Ba- same obje cts s pecif ied under this hea d in the D epar tment of C om- sm.

merce Appropriation Act, 1935, to be expended in the Columbia River Basin, $9,650 .