Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1074

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73d C ONGRESS. SESS . II. C H. 648. JUNE 19, 1934 . For salaries and expenses, Forest Service, emergency construction, $45 .85 . For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Entomology, $4 .06 . For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, $2.63. For salaries and expenses, Plant Quarantine and Control Adminis- tration, $56. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, $10 .42 . Department of Com-

DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE merce. For promoting commerce, Department of Commerce, $78 .55 . For contingent expenses, Steamboat Inspection Service, $3 .60 . For air navigation facilities, $38,918 .75 . For general expenses, Lighthouse Service, $445 .13 . For investigating mine accidents, $5 .50. For party expenses, Coast and Geodetic Survey, $400 . For protecting seal and salmon fisheries of Alaska, $90 . For pay, and so forth, of officers and men, vessels, Coast Survey, $1,040 .65 . For trans portation of famil ies and e ffects of officers and empl oyees, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, $81 . 79 . Department of the Interior . DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR For Geological Survey, $9 .52 . For National Park Service, $930 .21 . For general expenses, Bureau of Education, $5 .33 . For education of natives of Alaska, $47 .05. For Howard University, $114 .59 . For pay of Indian police, $16 .88 . For Indian boarding schools, $250 .20 . For industry among Indians, $2,002 .88 . For conservation of health among Indians, $426 . For education of natives of Alaska, $9 .82. For Indian school support, $106 .86 . For relieving distress and prevention, and so forth, of diseases among Indians, $310 . For suppressing contagious diseases among livestock of Indians, $125 . Department of Jus-

DEPAR TMENT OF JUSTICE tic e. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Prohibition, $749 .77 . For supplies for United States courts, $532 .50 . For pro bation syste m, Uni ted St ates c ourts, $45 . For contingent expenses, Department of Justice, $5 . For books, Department of Justice, $77 . For books for judicial officers, $1,375 .10. Fo r dete ction and pr osecut ion of crime s, $159 . 33 . For examination of judicial officers, $4 .5G. For printing and binding, Department of Justice and courts, $229 .73 . Fo r prot ecting inter ests of the United States in cu stoms matter s, $5,000. For repairs to buildings, Court of Claims, $44 .97 . For salaries of circuit, district, and retired judges, $194 .44. For salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts, $2,951 .09 . For salaries and expenses of district attorneys, United States courts, $991 .64. Fo r fees of co mmissi oners, Unite d Stat es cour ts, $5 ,424 .4 8 .