Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1101

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 652. JUNE 19, 1934 .

1075 States or by any S tate o r poli tical subdivi sion t hereof , beyo nd the reaso nable nece ssar y exp ense lawf ully incur red i n ob taini ng su ch easemen t, lic ense, or fra nchise from the pub lic au thorit y afor esaid, which expense shall be reported separately from all other costs in such detail as the Commission may require ; and nothing shall be included in any valuation of the property of any carrier made by the Commission on account of any such easement, license, or fran- chise, beyond such reasonable necessary expense lawfully incurred as aforesaid . New construction, (e) The Commission shall keep itself informed of all new con- extensions, etc ., Com- struction, extensions, improvements, retirements, or other changes mission to keep in- in the condition, quantity, use, and classification of the property of formed . common carriers, and of the cost of all additions and betterments thereto and of all changes in the investment therein, and may keep itself informed of current changes in costs and values of carrier propert ies . For the purpose of enabling the Commission to make a valua- Carrier to furnish in- (f)

formation regarding tion of any of the property of any such carrier, or to find the orig- valuation of property . inal cost of such property, or to find any other facts concerning the same which are required for use by the Commission, it shall be the duty of each such carrier to furnish to the Commission, within such reasonable time as the Commission may order, any information with respect thereto which the Commission may by order require, includi ng cop ies of maps, contr acts, reports of en gineer s, and other copies of maps, con- data, records, and papers, and to grant to all agents of the Commis- tracts, reports , etc . sion fr ee acc ess to its p ropert y and its acc ounts, recor ds, an d mem- oranda whenever and wherever requested by any such duly author- ized agent, and to cooperate with and aid the Commission in the work of making any such valuation or finding in such manner and to such extent as the Commission may require and direct, and all rules and regulations made by the Commission for t he purpose of adminis- tering this section shall have the full force and effect of law . Unless Records and . da ta otherwise ordered by the Commission, with the reasons therefor, ton to public inspec the records and data of the Commission shall be open to the inspec- tion and examination of the public . The Commission, in making Method of val uation . any such valuation, shall be free to adopt any method of valuation which shall be lawful . Notwithstanding any provision of this Act the Interstate Interstate Commerce (g)



Commission . Comm erce Com miss ion, if req uest ed t o do so by the Comm issi on, valuation of prop . shall c omplet e, at the ea rliest pract icable date, such v aluati ons of lie, by, properties of carriers subject to this Act as are now in progress, and sha ll the reafte r tran sfer t o the Commiss ion th e reco rds re lating thereto . (h) Nothing in this section shall impair or diminish the powers rowers of State com- of any State commission .


Extension of lines . SEC. 214. (a) No carrier shall undertake the construction of a new Certificate au thoriz- line or of an extension of any line, or shall acquire or operate any line, ing required . or extension thereof, or shall engage in transmission over or by means of such a dditional or exten ded line, unless a nd until there sha ll first have been obtained from the Commission a certificate that the pres- ent or future public convenience and necessity require or will require the construction, or operation, or construction and operation, of such ad dition al or extend ed lin e : Provided That no such certificate Pro visos when certificate not shall be required under thi s section for the construct ion, acqu isition, required. operation , or exte nsion of (1) a lin e within a single State unl ess said line cons titutes p art of an intersta te line, (2) local , branch, or ter- minal lines not exceeding ten miles in length, or (3) any lines