Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1117

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 652 . JUNE 19, 1934 . (b) The Government stati ons for which the ab ove-mentioned division of time is established shall transmit radio communications or signals only during the first fifteen minutes of each hour, local stand ard t ime, exce pt in case of signa ls or radi o co mmuni catio ns relating to vessels in distress and vessel requests for information as to course, location, or compass direction . USE OF MINIMUM POWER SE C. 324. In all circumstances, except in case of radio communi- cations or signals relating to vessels in distress, all radio stations . including those owned and operated by the United States, shall use the minimum amount of power necessary to carry out the commu- nication desired . FALSE DISTRESS SIGNALS ; REBROADCASTING ; STUDIOS OF FOREIGN STATIONS SE C. 325 . (a) No person within the jurisdiction of the United States shall knowingly utter or transmit, or cause to be uttered or transmitted, any false or fraudulent signal of distress, or commu- nication relating thereto, nor shall any broadcasting station rebroad- cast the program or any part thereof olf another broadcasting station without the express authority of the originating station . (b) No person shall be permitted to locate, use, or maintain a radio broadcast studio or other place or apparatus from which or where by so und w aves are conve rted into elec trica l en ergy, or m e- chanical or physical reproduction of sound waves produced, and caused to be transmitted or delivered to a radio station in a foreign country for the purpose of being broadcast from any radio station there h aving a powe r outp ut of suffic ient in tensit y and/ or bei ng so located geographically that its emissions may be received consist- ently in the United States, without first obtaining a permit from the C ommis sion upon prop er ap plic ation ther efor . (c) Such application shall contain such information as the Com- mission may by regulation prescribe, and the granting or refusal thereof shall be subject to the requirements of section 309 hereof with respect to applications for station licenses or renewal or mod- ification thereof, and the license or permission so granted shall be revocable for false statements in the application so required or when the Commission, after hearings, shall find its continuation no longer in the pu blic inte rest . CENSORSHIP ; INDECENT LANGUAGE SEC. 326. Nothing in this Act shall be understood or construed to give the Commission the power of censorship over the radio com- munications or signals transmitted by any radio station, and no regulation or condition shall be promulgated or fixed by the Coin- mission which shall interfere with the right of free speech by means of radio communication . No person within the jurisdiction of the United States shall utter any obscene, indecent, or profane language by means of radio communication . USE OF NAVAL STATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL MESSAGES SEC. 327 . The Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized, unless restrained by international agreement, under the terms and condi- tions and at rates prescribed by him, which rates shall be just and reasonable, and which, upon complaint, shall be subject to review and rev ision by the Commi sison, f to u se all radio statio ns and appa- ratus, wherever located, owned by the United States and under the I So in original . Exception, when dis- tres s signals . Use of min imum power . Requirement . 1091 Time for operating Government station . False distress signals . Prohibition on trans- mitting. On unauthorized re- broadcasting. Stu di os of foreign stations . Permits required . Application therefor, Ante, p. loss. Power of censorship de nied Co mmissio n . I ndecen t lang uage . Naval stations for commercial messages. Se cretary o f Navy authorized to use . Rates .