Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1191

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 672. JUNE 19, 1934 .

1165 than 75 per centum of such employees may be so insured . Such group policy may provide that the term "employees" shall include "Employees" ; who he officers, managers, and employees of subsidiary or affiliated cor- may be included . porations, and the individual proprietors, partners, and employees of affi liated individ uals a nd firm s, when the b usiness of suc h subs idi- ary or affiliated corporations, firms or individuals is controlled by the common emp loyer through stock owners hip, contract, or other- wise . The following forms of life insurance are hereby declared to be Forms of life group life insurance within the meaning of this chapter : (a) Life group lifeinsurance. be insurance covering the members of one or more companies, batteries, u National Guard Guard troops, or other units of the National Guard, of any State or the District, written under a policy issued to the commanding general of the National Guard, who shall be deemed to be the employer for the purposes of this chapter, the premium on which is to be paid by the members of such units for the benefits of persons other than the employer : Provided, however, That when the benefits of the policy are offered to all eligible members of a unit of the National Guard, not less than 75 per centum of the membe rs of such a u nit may be so insured ; (b) life insurance covering the members of one or more troops or other units of the State troopers or State police of any police. troopers or State, written under a policy issued to the commanding officer of the State troopers or State police, who shall be deemed to be the employer for the purpose of this chapter, the premium on which is to be paid by the members of such units for the benefit of persons other than the employer : Provided, lwwever, That when the benefits of the policy are offered to all eligible members of a unit of the State troopers or State police not less than 75 per centum of the members of such unit may be so insured ; (c) life insurance covering not less Federal and District gover nmen t em ploye es, than fifty employees of the government of the District or of the Federal Government, with or without medical examination, written under a policy issued to the President of the Board of Commissioners, or to the head of any Federal department or independent Federal bureau, board, commission, or other Federal independent establish- ment, or to an association of Federal employees, as the case may be, the premium on which is to be paid by the employees and insuring only employees, or any class or classes thereof determined by condi- tions pertaining to the employment, for amounts of insurance based upon some plan which will preclude individual selection, for the benefit of persons other than the employer : Provided, That when the benefits of the policy are offered to all eligible employees, not less than 75 per centum of such employees may be so insured

(d) l ife ~Mo e nmbers of labor insurance covering the members of any labor union, written under a policy issued to such union, which shall be deemed to be the employer for the purposes of this chapter, the premium on which is to be paid by the union or by the union and its members jointly, and insuring only all of its members who are actively engaged in the same occupation, for amounts of insurance based upon some plan which will preclude individual selection, for the benefit of persons other than the union or its officials : Provided, however, Th at when the premium is to be paid by the union and its members jointly and the benefits are offered to all eligible members, not less than 75 per centum of such members may be . so insured : Provided further, That when members apply and pay for additional amounts of insurance, a smaller percentage of members may be insured for such additional amounts, if they pass satisfactory medical examinations . SEC . 11. STANDARD PROVISIONS FOR POLICIES OF GR OUP ISF E INSUR- Standard provisions, ANcE .-No policy of group life insurance shall be issued or delivered gr ouplife insura nce . in the District, unless and until a copy of the form thereof has been