Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1307

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 866, 867. JUNE 28, 1934 .

1281 pound, shall be determined by the Secretary of Agriculture as here- inafter provided . On May 1 of each crop year for which quotas prQuots,,ai be dealers ar e to be e stablishe d pursuan t to sect ion 15, the Secre tary of A gricul- mined. ture shall determine (from available statistics of the Department of Agriculture) the average sales price per pound, during the pre- ceding twelve months, of all domestic cigar-leaf tobacco the sale of which is to be taxed during the ensuing crop year under this Act . This average sales price, times the average per centum tax rate then current u nder this Act on t he sale o f such do mestic ci gar-leaf tobacco, shall be the rate per pound of the import tax and shall be proclaimed by the Secretary of Agriculture . The import tax shall be paid ro0 ont re le aase be prior to the release of the tobacco subject thereto from customs custody or control . As used in this and t he pr eced ing s ectio n "c igar- leaf types of Ter m const rued . tobacco " shall include cigars, which for the purposes of the quotas, allotments, and import tax provided for by said sections shall be translated into terms of raw cigar-leaf tobacco of the respective types from which such cigars are produced, pursuant to conversion factors established and proclaimed by the Secretary of Agriculture . Approved, June 28, 1934 . [CHAPTER 867 .] AN ACT June 28, 1934 . To compensate widows and children of persons who died while receiving mone- [H .R . 9936 .1 tary benefits for disabilities directly incurred in or aggravated by active mili- [Public, No. 484 .1 tary or naval service in the World War . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unit ed St ates of Am eric a in Congr ess assem bled, That the surviv- Compensation of widows, etc ., of certain ing widow, child, or children of any deceased person who served in veterans . the World War before November 12, 1918, or if the person was Eligibility . serving with the United States military forces in Russia before April 2, 1920, who, while receiving or entitled to receive compensation, pension, or retirement pay for 30-per-centum disability or more directly incurred in or aggravated by service in the World War, dies or has died from a disease or disability not service connected and not the result of the person's own misconduct shall, upon filing application and such proofs in the Veterans' Administration as the Admin istra tor o f Ve teran s' Af fair s may pres cribe , be enti tled to receive compensation : Provided, That the provisions of this Act P sons not exempt shall not apply to any person during any year following a year for from income tax . which such pers on w as no t ent itle d to exemp tion from the payme nt of a Federal income tax . SEC . 2 . That the monthly rates of compensation shall be as follows

gates . Widow but no child, $22 ; widow and one child, $30 (with $4 for each additional child) ; no widow but one child, $15 ; no widow but two children, $22 (equally divided) ; no widow but three children, $30 (equally divided) (with $3 for each additional child, total amount to be equally divided) . The total compensation payable under this paragraph shall not Maximum . exceed $56 . Where such benefits would otherwise exceed $56 the C Ap portion ment, ment,iroZ- amount of $56 may be apportion ed as the Administrat or of Veterans' Affairs may prescribe . SEC. 3. That as used in this Act-

Definitions. (a) The term " person who served " shall mean a person, whether "Person whoserved . male or fe male, and whet her c ommi ssion ed, e nlist ed, enrol led, or drafted , who was fi nally accept ed for active servi ce in the mi litary 8GG37•-34-81