Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1322

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INDEX. v Agriculture, Department of-Continued. Page. Department of Forests and Waters, Pa., duplicate check to, authorized_ 400 Extensible building, sums available for equipment, etc_________________ 279 Fish and game sanctuaries in national forests, establishmenL___________ 400 Howard, L. 0 ., acceptance of foreign decoration by __________________ 1267 Memorials in honor of James Wilson and Seaman A. Knapp_ _________ 977 Migratory waterfowl hunting stamps. See Federal Hunting Stamp Act. Mississippi State treasurer, duplicate check in favor of, authorized_ _ __ __ GGG Sugar beet and sugar cane. See Agri- cultural Adjustment Act. rnder Secretary of Agriculture, posi- tion established_________________ 467 Vehicles, use, maintenance, etc_ _ _ _ __ _ 498 Vocational education, agricultural ex- periment station and extension work, partial abolition of functions revoked________________________ 391 Work for other departments___ ____ ___ 497 Agriculture, International Institute of, ap- propriation for participation ex- penses and contribution _________ 534, 1039 Agriculture, Under Secretary of, position established_ ___ ________ ___________ 467 Air Commerce Act of 1926, Amendments: Accidents, civil aircraft, investigations_ 1113 Aid to air navigation, lights and signals at obstructions _ _ _ ______________ 1115 Airline certificates, limitation on denial of____________________________ _ Denied application, payment of as- sessed costs _________________ _ Airlines engaged in interstate, etc., commcrce, examination and rating of____________________________ _ "Airman" to include person in charge of parachute inspection ________ _ Jurisdiction of district courts; inves- tigations______________________ _ Parachutcs, rating of, as to airworthi- ness __________________________ _ Penalty provisions, remissions ___ .: __ _ _ Registration, aircraft owned by aliens_ Research work to improve aircraft ___ _ Unlicensed operation of airline, regis- tered aircrafL _________________ _ Air Corps. See also War Department. Construction for, National Industrial Recovery Act _________________ _ Aircraft. See Air Commerce Act of 1926, Amendments. Aircraft Carriers, construction of, to treaty limits. See Naval Vessels. 86637°-34 --82 1114 1114 1114 1115 1114 11H 1116 1113 1113 1115 202 Aircraft in Commerce. See Commerce, Pare. Department of. Air Mail. See Postal Service. Air Mail Act: Definitions_ ________________________ 933 Transportation of air mail; contracts authorized; initial term __ _ ______ 934 Maximum base rate of pay; compu- tation of payments_ __________ 934 Contracts, assignment or transfer of; approval required_____ __________ 934 Route extensions, authority to grant; restrictions_ ____________________ 934 Classification of routes; publication_ _ _ 934 Iuterstate Commerce Commission, con- sideration of contracts by ________ 934 Limitation on contract awards; maxi- mum mileage of routes; of airplane- milcs__________________________ 934 Existing contracts, continuation of; extensions_____ ____________ _____ 934 Air-mail routes, advertisemcnts re- q uired_ _____________ __ _________ 934 Period granted successful bidder to qualify; requirements_ _ _ ________ 935 Rates for air-mail transportation; Inter- state Commerce Commission to fix_ 935 Annual review of, directcd_________ 935 Contracts; indefinite extension when satisfactorily performed_ _ _ _ __ __ _ 935 Termination of; award of new con- tract________________________ 935 Adjustment of rates for carriage of air maiL_________________________ 935 Examination of records and accounts of contractors _______________ _ Factors for consideration in making adj ustments _________________ _ l'nlawful intcrest of contractor, etc., engaged in aviation industry ___ _ Persons entering unlawful combination to prevent making of bids, not qualified to hold cont~act ______ _ Claims of persons holding annulled con- tracts; prosecution uf claim _____ _ Air-mail contracts; information to accompany bid ________________ _ Records and accounts of holders ___ _ Equipment requirement for execution of __________________________ _ Regulation of flying hours; of working conditions and rates of pay of pilots_______________________ _ Allocation of radio frequencies to air- planes ________________________ _ Contractors, limitation on number of contracts _____________________ _ Canada, authority to provide service to____________________________ _ 935 936 936 936 937 937 937 937 937 938 938 938