Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1324

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INDEX. .. VIl Alfaro, Eloy and Jaime Eduardo, at- tendance at West Point, authorized_ Alien Property Custodian: Trading with the Enemy Act amend- ment- Claims by former enemy or ally of enelny ______________________ _ Deductions from money, etc., held by _________________________ _ Recovery of sums deducted _______ _ esc of funds for automohile expenses forhidden _____________________ _ Aliens: Aircraft owned hy, registration of ____ _ Income tax. See Income Tax. Political or religious refugees, applica- tion for registry ________________ _ Conditions and requirements ______ _ Allegheny River: Bridges authorized across, at- I~or('st-V('nango County line _______ _ Parkers Landing, l'a _____________ _ Pittsburgh to O'Hara Township, Pa_ Allen, Charles J., aeooptanee of forl'ign decoration ______________________ _ Almon, Edward B., payment to widow of_ Alsea Bay, Oreg.: Bridge authorized across, at WaldporL Time extended for hridging _______ _ Alton, Mo., hridge authoriz('d across Ele\'en Points River at ___________ _ Ambassadors, appropriation for ________ _ American Battle Monuments Commis- sion: Page. HIl7 510 510 510 28·1 1113 92G H27 30 29 83i 12G7 1022 148 SOl 120S 5:lO Appropriation for ___________________ 284 Appropriations inereas('d to eon"r Im'sl's due to ('x('hange fluetuations_ _ _ _ _ 510 American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, appropriation for prepara- tion_ ____________________________ 423 American Ethnology, appropriation for researches, etc __________________ 29G, 517 American Historical Association, h..-o members of, on National Historical Publications CommissiOlL _ _ _ ___ __ _ 1123 American International Institute for the Protection of Childhood, appropria- tion for contribution_ _ _ _ __________ 531 American Legion: Certaill propcrty of, in District of Colulllbia, tax cxempL _ ____ __ ___ fl53 Loan of War Departn:ent equipment for use at convention at MiamL __ 1124 Obsolete Army cquipmcnt, donation authorized_____________________ 815 Sale of lands within Ship Island l\lili- tary Reservation, Miss., to_ ______ 150 American Legion Texas Centennial Com- mittee, issue of ccntennial coins on request oL ______________ ______ 149 American Printing House for the Blind, Page. appropriation for _ _ _ ______________ 442 American Seamen. See Seamen, Ameri- can. Ammunition. See Explosives. Anacostia River, D.C .: Appropriation for completion of Ben- ning Bridge over_________ _______ 231 Conflicting lund daims along shores of, adjustmcnt authorized____ __ __ __ _ 836 Animal Industry, Bureau of. See also Agrieulture, Department of. European fowl pest, balance available for control, etc_________________ 478 Animals, appropriation for investigation of diseascs, food habits, etc _______ 476,489 Annapolis, Md., appropriation for main- tellalH"e, enginl'ering experiment sta- tiolL ____________________________ 409 Anti-Trust Act of 1914, authority to enforce compliance with designakd seetions_________________________ 1102 Antitrust Laws: A ppropriation for enforcement oL _ _ 53fl, 1036 Codes, agreements, ctc., Kational In- dustrial Recon~ry Act, excmpt from provisions oL __________________ 198 Radio apparatus, cte., application of, to_______________________________ 1087 Apache Indians, Okla., appropriation for payment to, from royalty funds_ _ _ _ _ 367 Apples and Pears: RegUlations governing interstate or foreign shipments oL _ __________ 123 Standards of export to be estah- lished.. _____________________ 123 Compliance with foreign goyern- ment standards____________ 124 Shipments in less than carload lohL _ _ 124 In;;peetion fees; colleeting_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 124 Certifieates of Department of Agri- culture; forcc as cvidcnce_ _ ___ __ _ 124 Refusal of ccrtifieate when lIulieenscd shipmcnL ___________________ 124 Penalty provision_ _______________ ___ 124 Rules and regulations to be prescribed _ 124 Separability of provisions_ ___ _ __ ____ _ 124 Terms construed ___________________ 12·1 Appropriation Acts: Agriculture, Departmcnt oL _ _ __ __ ___ 4Gi Commerce, Department of___________ 540 Deficicncy Acts- Fiscal Ycar 1933, Third___________ \)7 Fiscal Year 1933, Fourth__________ 2i4 Fiscal Year 1934_________________ 1021 District of Columbia_ ______ _______ 222, 846 Emergency Appropriation Act, :Fiscal Year 1935_____________________ 1055 Farm Credit Administratioll_ _ _ _ _ ____ 499 IndependentOflices _______________ 283,509