Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1332

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JXDEX. xv Bankruptcy Act of 1898, Amendments- Page. Continued. MUNICIPAL DEBT READJUSTMENTS- Continued. Group representation of creditors; requirements_________________ 799 Approval of petition, requirements; authority of judge_ ___________ 800 Notice to creditors; pUblication of notice of bearing to consider plan_______________________ 800 Extension of time where plan not accepted or confirmed _______ 800 Schedules, filing by taxing district- 800 Creditors claims; manner of filing; classification_ _ _ _ ___________ SOO Rejection of executory contracts of taxing district_ ____ ________ _ 800 Notices to creditors of determina- tions and bearings _________ _ Inspection of books and record!:! of taxing districL ____________ _ Allowances for services and ex- penses ____________________ _ Assessments for expenses ________ _ Stay of pending suits against tax- ing districL _______________ _ Speeial master, reference of mat- ters to ____________________ _ Limitations on authority of judge_ Right of taxing district and credi- tors to be heard ____________ _ Plan of readjustment; acceptance by creditors before confirmation___ _ Confirmation of plan by judge; re- quirements ________________ _ Modification of; rights of creditors after confirmation__________ _ Confirmation of plan; binding effect of- __________________ _ Reasons to be stated when dis- approval oL_______________ _ Certified copy of decree approving as eviden('e of court's jurisqic- tiOIL _____________________ _ Effective date of amendmenL ______ _ Powers of state over political sub- divisions not impaired _________ _ Separability of provisions __________ _ Provable debts; priority oL __________ _ Enumeration of _________________ _ Railroad reorganization, removal of causes arising from _____________ _ Banks and Banking. See also Balik Con- servation Act; Banking A('t of 1933; National Banking Assoeiations. Banking institutions in District of Co- lumbia, sto('k of, hereafter issued, not subject to double liability ___ _ Shareholders' liability ____________ _ 800 800 800 801 801 801 801 801 801 801 802 802 802 802 802 802 803 924 923 924 352 353 Banks and Banking-Continued. Pace. Banks for Cooperatives. See Farm Credit Act of 1933. Deposits, insurance of. See Federal Reserve Act, Amendments. Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- tion. See Federal Reserve Act, Amendments. Federal Land Banks. See Federal Farm Loan Ad. Federal Reserve System. See Federal Reserve Act. Foreign banking transactions, suits arising under___________________ 184 Original jurisdiction of United States district courts________________ 184 Franchise tax, payment by Federal Reserve banks eliminated____ __ ___ 164 Fund for Mutuals. See Federal Re- serve Act, Amendments. Investments in premises by banks______ 184 Morris Plan banks, application for membership in Federal Reserve system_________________________ 164 Mutual savings banks, application for membership in Federal Reserve system______ ________ ____ __ __ ___ 164 National Banking system. See Federal Reserve A('t, Amendments. National or State banks, loans to re- ceivers, etc., not subject to limita- tion based on capital and surplus_ _ 73 Punishment for certain offenses against banks__________________________ 783 Savings and loan accounts, insurance of. See National Housing Act. State banks and trust companies. See Banking Act of 1933. Barley. See Agricultural Adjustment Act. Bartlett, George G., acceptance of foreign dccoration________________________ 1267 " Basic Agricultural Commodity," eon- strued in Emergen('y Agricultural Relief Ad_ ________________________ 38 Baton Rouge, La., bridge authorized across Mississippi Ri\"er aL______________ 507 Battleships. See Na\"al Vessels. Bayou Bartholomew, bridge authorized across, at :Morehouse Parish, La_ ____ 939 Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, appro- priation for administration, etc_ _____ 490 Beck, James M., payment to, eontested- election expenses__________________ 1023 Bedford County, Tenn., transferred from Nashville to \Yindwster division, middle Tennessee j udieial distrieL ___ 253 Beef-Cattle Industry. See Agricultural Adjustment Act.