Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1345

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... XXVlll INDEX. Counterfeiting, appropriation for SUfprcss- Page. ing______________________________ 433 Courts. See Justice, Departmcnt of; Unitcd States Courts. Courts-Martial Expenses, Army, appro- priation for ______________________ 619 Cove Creek Dam. See Tcnncssee Valley Authority Act of 1933. Cowlitz River, Wash., preliminary exarri- nation authorized_________________ 953 C. Pateras and Sons, paymcnt to _______ 280 Crater Lake National Park, Oreg., appro- priation for administration, etc_ ____ 38!) Credit Expansion. See Currency Regula- tion. Credit of the United States. See Econo- my in Govcrnment. Credits Against Income Tax. See In- come Tax. Creek Nation, appropriation for payment of judgmcut______________________ 1033 Crimes, appropriation for detection and prosecution oL___________________ 537 Crimes and Misdemeanors: Air Commerce Act of 1926, amend- ment, penalty provisions_________ 1116 Apples and pears, unlicenscd inter- state or foreign shipment oL_____ 124 Bank Conservation Act, violation of regulations of Comptroller of the Currency______________________ 5 Banking transactions, during emer- gency, in violation of regulations of Secretary of Treasury _________ 2 Banks, punishment for certain offenses against________________________ 783 Beer, unlawful sale, etc., of, in District of Columbia____________________ 29 Boxing exhibitions in District of Co- lumbia, unlawfully holding_ _ ____ 609 Civil Works Administration employeefl, compensation awards to, unlawful fees___________________________ 352 Communications Act of 1934, penal provisions_ _____________________ 1100 Corporation of Foreign Bondholders Act, offenses under ______________ 95 Cotton Control Act, penalty provisions_ 604 Crime suppression, compacts between States for assistance in, author- ized___________________________ 909 Criminal Codc; sections 114 and 115 not applicable to contracts and agrce- ments of members of Congress under Agricultural Adjustment Act___________________________ 337 Section 289, adaption of In ws of States to punish unlawful act_ __ 152 Crimes and Misdemeanors-Continued. Crop production loans, 1934, charging fees in applications for ___ - - - - _-_ Distilled spirits- Containers, regulating traffic in, pcn- alty proyisions ___ . _.. - __ ---

Substances used in manufacture of, regulating disposition, penalty provisions __ . _________ - ---_- __ District of Columbia Alcoholic Bever- age Control Act, violations of _ . _- Drugs, unlawful transmission in mails_ Embezzlement by guardian, etc., of vcteran's pcnsion fund __________ _ Emergency Railroad Transportation Act, violations of Coordinator's, ctc., order____________________ -- Extortion messages by means of ~ele­ phone, telegraph, etc., in interSjtate commerce_____________________ _ False claim for benefits under act to maintain credit of United States GovernmenL ___________ .. ______ _ False claims, presenting to Govern- ment, punishment for __________ _ Farm Credit Act of 1933, penalty pro- visions ________________________ _ Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Act, penalty provisions _________ _ Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, false representations and wilfull overvaluations to obtain ]oans ___ _ Federal intermediate credit banks, false representations and wilfull over- valuations to obtain loans _______ _ Federal officers, killing or assaulting __ _ Federal penal and correctional illstitu- tions, crimes in cOlinection with administration of ______________ _ Federal Reserve Banks, misrepresenta- tion to obtain loan from ________ _ Embezzlement of funds oL _______ _ Financial transactions with foreign governments in default on obliga- tions to United Statcs __________ _ Fish and game sanctuaries established in national forests, unhwful acts __ Foreign trade zone act, violations of __ _ Gold, failure to comply with order re- quiring delh'cry to Treasury _____ _ Gold hoarding, etc.; violation of regula- tiOllS prescribed by President.. ___ _ _ Home 0 mers' Loan Act, penalty pro- visioliS ________________________ _ Indictments; objection on ground of un,lualified grand juror barred where concurrence of twelve quali- fied jurors _____________________ _ Time for filing objections to grand jury ________________________ _ Pace. 355 1020 1020 327 1063 11 215 781 10 996 267 177 347 347 780 782 1106 1106 574 401 1003 2 1 134 649 648