Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1356

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Economy in Government-Continued. AMENDMENTS-OFFICERS AND EMPLOY- EEs-Continued. Administrative promotions, prohib- iting ___________ - _- ___ .. ___ --- Chargca not so considered _____ - - - Pro"isions for, during 1935 ______ _ Reenlistment allowances, suspending_ Rotative furloughs _______________ _ Reallo('3.tion of position after June 30,1932 ____________________ _ Permanent appropriations reduced proportionately ______________ _ Impounding of appropriation bal- anceiL ______________________ _ AMENDMENTs- YETEUANS- Domieiliary care to men discharged for disaiJiliti('s incurr('d ill line of duty _______________________ _ Pensions, private rcIief acts, reduc- tion oL __________________ - __ _ Board to re"iew claims in wllieh pre- sumptive sen'ice connection heretofore granted and rlenied __ Adjudication of claims by Veterans' Administration when filed prior to March 20, 1933 ___________ _ Finality of Board decision; extension of time for; hearings _________ _ Limitation on reduction of payments for directly service-conIlected disabiIities __________________ _ Minimum pension, 50 per eenium disahlerl Spanish-American War veteran, etc ______ - _- _____ - __ _ Compcnsation for loss of use of both eyes ________________________ _ Service-connected disability _______ _ No r('duction of paYlll('nts for; ex- ception ___________________ _ Review of case; '"estoration of rate_ Compt'nsation where disability re- established as service-con - nect·ed ____________________ _ Change in degree of disability ___ _ Death compensation ___________ _ Domiciliary, etc., care of necdy veterans ____________________ _ Spanish 'Var, etr., vcterans, restric- tion on reducing pcnsions; ex- cepted cases __ ---- ___________ _ Monetary henefits in etTect Mar. 19,1933, continued ________ _ Veterans sutTering lllJury during training, etc _________________ _ Claims for benefits, participation by beneficiary _______________ _ Servic('-connected benefits terllled ,. l:ompensation ., _____________ _ EtTcctive date of title _____________ _ . INDEX. XX.xIX Page. I Economy in Government-Continued. 523 523 523 523 523 523 523 523 301 307 309 309 310 310 310 524 524 524 524 525 525 525 525 525 526 526 526 526 526 AMENDMENTS- VETERANs-Continued. Yearly renewable term insurance, adjudication of claims ________ _ Ecuador, appropriation fur envoy extraor- dinary, etc., to__________________ _ Edie, John Rufus, acccptance of foreign decoration _______________________ _ Egypt: Appropriation for- American convict prison maintenance_ Envoy extraordinary, etc., to______ _ Electrical Energy: Rate study by Federal Power Com- mission authorized _____________ _ Tax on domestic or comlll('rcial con- sumption; paymcnt by vendor __ _ Energy furni,:hed prior to September 1, 1933 _____________________ .__ I Ilapplicable to publicly owned plants_ Electro Metallurgical Co., waiver of sec- tions 109 and 113 of Criminal ('ode, counsel in certain proceedings against.. ____________________ _ Eleven Points River, bridge authorized across, at Alton, 1\10 ______________ _ Ellenbogen, Henry, payment to, con- tested-cIection expenses___________ _ Ellen Wilson Memorial Homes, right to dissolve corporation granted _______ _ Ellis Island Immigration Station: Appropriation for repairs to ferryboaL Hospitals, use of, by Public Health Service ________________________ _ Ellis, Lloyd, payment to, contested-elec- t ion expenses ____________________ _ EI Paso, Tex., of quarters for certain Government serdces ______________ _ Ely, Hanson E., acceptance of foreign d('coration _______________________ _ Embezzlement. See Cr;mes and Mis- dcmeanors. Emergency Administration, Public \Vorks. See Federal Emergency Administra- tion of Public Works. Emergency Agricultural Relief Act. See Agricultural Adjustment Art. Emergency Appropriation Act, Fiscal Year 1935: Appropriation for- Agricultural emergenr), relief ______ _ Agriculture, Department of- Federal reservations, cooperative road construction __________ _ Forest roads and trails __________ _ Highways, etc., emergency COI1- structioll __________________ _ Executive Olliee Building, addition to __________________________ _ Pace. 526 530 1267 536 530 591 257 256 256 804 1208 1023 837 570 435 1023 Ill9 1267 1056 1057 1057 1057 1055